Chapter 63- A Rainy Day

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(Kalston's POV)

Walking from school in the rain, something about it makes me feel a little better. Almost free in a way. School's been fine, and even at home there's nothing to complain about, but with Abba gone, I feel like there will always be a part of me missing. My days always a little heavier no matter how good they are. I miss you, Abba.

I'm turning 15 soon, but it doesn't feel like it matters all that much. Ema tries her hardest to make a big deal out of it, but I can't push myself to feel the same excitement I used to. It's like missing Iris all over again. The first few years are rough, and the rest aren't the same either, but at least you learn how to move on. I can't seem to do the same here though. And in reality, losing Abba has made my yearning for Iris kind of rise back to what it used to be. I'm not a kid anymore, so the opportunities aren't as limited as they were when I was eight. I started looking for them both a few months back.

I'll find you, Abba. I'll find you both.

My search hasn't led me to a whole lot yet, but I haven't been able to dive into it the way I'd like. Between school, Olivia, and trying to hide it from Ema, I haven't had a whole lot of time to dig too far into it all. I have come up with something the past couple of days that I pray leads me somewhere. Or, at least, I would if I still did. I'm not sure about my stance on God right now. He's just kind of there, and I'm here. He has shown at least enough to me that He doesn't care. Not like He's against me, but more so like my problems aren't something He's willing to help with. That's okay, I guess. He's not really helped me in the past, so it's not like it's a big disappointment, but it still kind of sucks. Everyone I cared for seems to have full faith in Him, believing He's worth the trouble and He'll be there no matter what, but I've not had the same experience, so we just stay out of each other's ways I guess. He's got a lot to handle, so it's fine. Not everyone gets His favor, right? It really is fine.

The rain cool against my skin, I take a deep breath to clear my thoughts. I want to enjoy the moment. The small bits of peace I get to feel when I'm alone are few.

Everything will be fine.

Finally making it to our apartment, it's quiet. Ema never said she'd be out today, so I don't know where she could be. Maybe something came up?

"Ema?! Hey, are you home?!"

Knowing that she wouldn't leave without at least leaving a note or messaging me to let me know I grow a bit worried when not spotting either. I head around the rooms to see if maybe she's caught in the middle of doing something and didn't hear me come in, and that's when I notice a cool breeze drifting from the porch.

Thank, God.

Ema's out there sipping on some coffee. The rain coming down hard now, it's no wonder she didn't hear me calling her. Heading outside too, it takes her a moment to notice my presence.

"Peter?! Oh dear, why are you so wet?"

I settle beside her before responding.

"I walked home. I wanted to clear my head and didn't realize how heavy it would get. I'll be fine though."

"Love, you should have called, and I would have picked you up, but never mind that now, go get yourself into some dry clothes and I'll make you a hot drink. The last thing I want is for you to get sick. Now, come on, let's go."

Doing as she says, I know there's no arguing with her. Though she seems sweet and a pushover, my ema's stubborn nature wins out when it needs to. It's something she says she was gifted with and it's a blessing if you know how to use it right. 'A stubborn nature is something that will keep you strong in the worst of times, but should be complemented with a humble spirit, otherwise, pride will soon overtake you' is what she's always tried to teach me. So humble I will be when it comes to my mother.

I don't take long to change and join her back on the porch where a hot cup of coffee is waiting for me. It's not something I was allowed to have when Abba was around, but Ema soon let in on letting me have it. She said it was a fair trade since I was getting older and was the 'Man of the house'. Something I'm still not used to, or care to be. If anything, I'd give up the title instantly to have Abba back. I know they both only said it so I feel like I have a purpose to fill and not get stuck waiting.

"You know, I met your father on a rainy day like this."

Ema smiling at the thought, I'd heard the story only once before when I was younger. I take a sip of my coffee and wait for her to continue. Ema's stories are always my favorites. Abba used to tell many too, but it was only til recently that I noticed his seemed to cut off before he was around my age. I'm not sure why, but they did. At least before they pick back up when he met Ema.

"He was new to town, and I only saw him twice before. It was when we both lived in Rye, so of course, news spread fast about a strange young man moved to stay with no past history found."

Wait what? I've not heard that part before.

"Well, my Ema sent me to the grocery shop to pick up what we needed for that night, but it started pouring out on my way back. I had my hands full, and no umbrella, so I was stuck wondering what to do about half a mile to home. That's when your Abba came along out of nowhere. He walked me home that day, and it wasn't until later that I found out that he actually lost a job he was applying for because he took me home instead of making it in time to his interview. But after that day, and his kindness, I became his first friend. My Abba didn't care for that, but your Savta adored him. It wasn't long after that your abba took me on a date. Of course, he was the only one who knew, I didn't realize that's what it was until he brought me home and tried to kiss me goodnight. I still feel bad for not putting the pieces together sooner, but in the end, it still worked out well. We had you about a year after, so I say that it was for the best."

Still trying to grasp parts of the story, I don't know if maybe I was too young to understand it before and how Abba didn't have a known past when my parents first met, or if that's something new my mother is telling me this time around.

Is that why it's so hard to find his history now?

That being the biggest block in trying to find him, I've noticed I've been having the same issues when looking into Iris and her mom's past as well. Something about their history is hidden for a reason, but why?

I've heard tons of stories of them in school and once they moved over here, so it only makes sense that they are trying to hide something between then. But, I never thought that their disappearances and then would have been connected.

What happened between Grayson Academy and them moving to the States?

Having a new lead, I'm hoping that maybe it will lead me somewhere. That maybe I can figure out whatever is in that missing time and if it can lead me to them. But where do I start?

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