12. | Stunning

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"Naomi! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Maya yells from downstairs

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"Naomi! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Maya yells from downstairs. I rub lightly under my eyes using my ring finger.

Once I know for sure that my makeup is perfect, I grab the chain I put my mother's ring on and wrap it around my neck, clasping it and letting it rest against my chest. The cool metal sends a chill down my spine.

"Naomi, let's go! Or we'll leave without you."

"I'm coming!" I call back to her. I grab my hand bag, putting my phone inside as well as mascara and lipstick. I check to make sure my pouch is inside.

My heels click against the floor as I rush out of the room, careful not to break my ankles in the process.

I walk down the stairs, meeting Maya at the bottom who's wearing a silver, sleeveless dress, her hair up in a bun with a strand of curls framing her face. "Jeez, Nai. If I knew you took this long, I would've had you get ready sooner." She huffs, walking to the door.

"Sorry." I mumble. I grab my keys and my wallet from the bowl.

"Relax, Maya. We're not gonna be late." Mason comments, following her out the door. I'm surprised Maya accepted his offer when he asked her to be his date. "You look amazing, by the way, Naomi." He smiles at me.

"Thank you." I smile back at him. We walk out to Mason's car, and anxiety simmers inside of me. I haven't talked to Rhys in two days, aside from work-related.

Ever since the stunt with Kylie, I've been jumpy. Maya knows this, which is why she's still in my home. But she has to go home next weekend because of her father.

I sit in the back of the car with Mason and Maya in the front. Upon arriving at city hall, we climb out together and Mason hands his keys over to the valet. Maya's phone rings and she looks at me. "You know where to go?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Good." She answers her phone. "Hello? No, I said I wanted the chicken and cheeses on a stick to be catered around the party." Her voice trails off as she walks out of range. Mason follows her like a love-sick puppy.

I exhale slowly. I'm not ready for this, but I have to do this. For Rhys.

 For Rhys

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