45. | A Mother

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Walking into work, I notice how Naomi's desk is empty

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Walking into work, I notice how Naomi's desk is empty. Which is unusual, considering it's after ten.

I walk to Lindsey's desk. "Have you seen Naomi?"

"No. I figured she was with you." She looks up at me confused.

"No, we went home separately last night."

"Try Maya." I nod, pulling out my phone and dialing Maya.

"Yellow." She answers on the fifth ring, sounding as if she's eating something.

"Have you heard from Naomi?"

"Not since last night. Did she try calling you?"

"I don't know, but let me know if you hear anything from her." She agrees, and I hang up. I go through my phone and find a voicemail she left me at eleven last night.

I play it, "Hey, Rhys. I know you're probably busy, but I made it home. Call me when you're available. Oh, and did you happen to open my window? It was open when I got home. Call me. I...love you. Bye." I smile at her unsure 'I-love-you' then realize she said something about her window.

Who would open a window in the middle of December?

I sigh, walking to my office as Brittany walks toward me. "Where's Naomi?" She glances at my girlfriend's desk.

"Have you heard from her?"

"Not since last night."

My brows furrow. "What'd she say last night?"

"Something about her window being open." She shrugs. "Well, my niece isn't here, so I'm going to leave." She slides her sunglasses onto her face.

Who the hell wears sunglasses in winter?

I shake my head, walking into my office. Not even five minutes later, my door bursts open. "What is it with you women and barging into my office?"

My mother ignores me, storming to me and slapping the daily Newspaper down on my desk. "Look at the mess you've made of yourself!" I exhale slowly. "You're front page of everything, because you and your little assistant couldn't keep quiet."

I straighten up at the malice she uses on the word.

"I don't want you seeing her. Break up. Until you can get our reputation on track, I want her out of the picture."

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

She rears back, shocked. "Excuse me? I am your mother!"

"You are simply the person who birthed me." I step toward her slowly. "You can hide behind the rich facade, but I know what happens behind the curtain." I glare. "I spent eighteen years seeing my mother get so fucking loaded that I had to have Kasey forge your signature for anything and everything. And even now. I know you're still on drugs. Because I can see the redness in your eyes, no matter how faint it is."

"You have no right to accuse me of something."

"It's not accusing if I'm stating the truth." I counter. "I spent my entire life waiting for the day you'd stop and just be a fucking mom, but your drugs were more important. Why do you think Kasey never talks to you? Why he hasn't let you meet Azzy?

"Because he doesn't trust you. He knows you're on drugs. All three of us know!" She flinches. "So don't you dare come up into my company, commanding me on how to live my life!" I step closer, lowering my voice. "And if you think for a single second I would listen to you about who I'm dating, you need a reality check."

"I am your mother!"

"Precisely." I snap. "You aren't a mom. You're a mother. A mother who was too busy getting high to take care of her kids." Her nostrils flare. "So if you're done, get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. Building." I point to the door.

Her jaw flexes. "Fine. But don't come crying to me when everything goes sideways." She glares before storming out of my office, slamming the door behind her.

My breathing has become heavy and my hands shake at my sides. I inhale shakily, trying to steady my breathing as I walk to my desk.

I need to find Naomi.

I run a hand over my face as I grab my phone, having not even settled in yet, and walk out of my office. Mason hurries to catch up to me, "Rhys!"

"Not now, Mason. I'm going to check on Naomi."


"Not now." I slip inside the elevator that two employees just walked out of, pressing the ground floor.


I park in Naomi's driveway before climbing out and walking up to the door. I look around, knocking. Sucks she doesn't have a car to tell if she's home.

I peek inside, noticing how the lights are still on. Who has their lights on mid-day?

I test the doorknob, turning it and opening the door. It's unlocked. My brows furrow as I step inside, looking around. Her jacket is here, and her purse. do

But where is she?

"Naomi?" I call. When I don't receive a response, I look around. "Naomi?"

I walk into the kitchen, looking for anything to tell me where she went. Walking around her island, I find a knife on the floor. Odd. I pick it up, glancing around for anything. My eyes catch on something gold. I grab it, revealing my promise ring.

I stand up straight, looking at her counter and finding a red spot. I dip my fingers in it, rubbing them together.

It's thick...like blood.

She was talking about her window being open, she didn't show up for work, her knife was on the floor, she doesn't have her promise ring, and there's what could be blood on her counter.

Was she...kidnapped?

My phone rings as I rush to the door. "What, Mason?"

"Turn on the news."

I sigh but listen, walking into Naomi's living room and turning on the TV. "Convicted felon escaped from county prison and is currently on the run after being arrested for the attempted murder of Cyber Tech assistant, Naomi Walker. If seen, please report her immediately to the Chicago Police Department."

"Shit." I whisper.

"My reputation precedes me." I spin around, but I'm hit across the face with something hard, almost like metal.

"Rhys?!" I hear Mason yell from my phone.

"Nighty night, Rhys." I hear her say before she knocks me unconscious.

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