Chapter Two

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She has to admit, they look absolutely stunning together, even if they are in nothing fancy, just jeans and casual t-shirts. Emma was so hesitant but she never skipped a beat under the fans' scrutiny. She held her hand the entire time, unless Regina needed to sign something and Emma turned on that charming smile for every picture and softly kissed her cheek to remind her that she was there for it all. And she's fairly confident that most fans started to swoon over Emma instead of her.

"The Queen is back and somehow more beautiful than before. Unfair."

"The show was phenomenal! Worth every penny! I hope she adds more shows just so I can go again!"

"But like how is her wife also so talented? Do you think they walk around their house singing to each other and the kids?"

"Everyone is so obsessed that they're blinded by how she lost all her talent. Guess that's what drugs and alcohol do to a person. This new album is a snooze-fest!"

"I've followed her career since she was little. I grew up with Regina Mills and it's so unfortunate that I've had to leave her behind because of her sinful lifestyle. I pray she finds God."

"Regina is the absolute sweetest! So genuine. And her wife is just as sweet. Look at this pic they took with me and my friends!"

"Stop," Emma grumbles, snacking the light beaming upon Regina's face at two in the morning. "It's going to drive you insane."

Regina sighs as Emma steals the phone and tosses it somewhere behind herself on the bed. Emma slides one arm around her waist and tugs her flush against the heat radiating from her body.

"I was just curious..."

"You are stressing over something you can't control," Emma mumbles, still so clearly half asleep. "People are ignorant and rude and that's not your fault they were raised by assholes. You were amazing tonight. Best concert ever and that's their problem if they can't recognize talent."

She exhales slowly, turning onto her side to cuddle against Emma's chest. "They weren't all bad." Emma hums in response, her fingers swimming through Regina's hair to massage her scalp. "Someone wondered if we walk around our house in song."

This coerces a bubbly giggle from her sleepy wife. "We really should. We don't take advantage of our talents," she murmurs, so very much on the cusp of falling back into her dreamland.

"I know this is what I need to do but I don't want to leave you," she confesses right up against the safety and security of her wife's silky skin.

"I know," Emma heavily breathes out before she dips down to press the tip of her nose against hers. "I don't want you to go. We are going to miss you so much. But I know this is something you need to do."

She doesn't bother responding because her mind is already busy rambling away about all the things that could go wrong on this tour. Every insecurity is mocking her and worst of all, it's all in her mother's voice, haunting her.

"Babe, we're going to be fine. We are going to spend the summer here in LA at this old place of yours. I'm sure Henry is going to livestream all of your shows. And I'm going to try my best to sing Izzy's song to her every night even though it won't hold a candle to you."

"I know."

Emma brushes her nose against hers and gently rests her hand against Regina's cheek. "What's really going on?"

She hates the way her body reacts to the simple question. Her eyes immediately burn from the salty liquid filling her eyes and why can't she just move on? Yet, Emma is right there, pulling her closer and squeezing her so tight to alleviate the pressure.

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