A Long Journey

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You didn't know how long it would take to get to a shore- or land, you had very little food on this small boat, you decided that you would try to use that black goo before. If you had a power that strong you figured you should get it under control...

On the first day out at sea you thought that you should ration out what little food you had- though you didn't know how long you would be at sea... you finally decided that you would only eat once a day, just to be safe.

Not eating for a couple days was nothing compared to the weeks without food back at that horrid lab... and when you really started to think about it...that lab was all you knew. You didn't know anything about the place you were going to, you don't even hardly know exactly where you came from. The only thing you knew was that you had to get as far away from that lab as possible.

On the second day you finally got your strange power to activate- yet you still couldn't control it... You thought for a little bit and decided you needed to enhance your physical strength. You planned out a work-out program for yourself. You would do 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, and 50 jumping jacks every hour, the only problem...

You didn't know the time, out on the sea. You looked around the boat, trying to see if you could find a clock, or an alarm. you opened the dash and your hope built as you saw a small watch. it was a black watch, with a small screen. You tapped the screen and a time showed, it was currently 6:22 PM.

You did the workout you planned before, and ate your daily ration. You stared up into the night sky and slowly drifted asleep.

~The next morning~

You awoke to the shining sky, it was now day three on your journey, you stood up and yawned as you checked your watch. It was 8:30 now, thank god the scientists taught you how time works.

You did your first hour of exorcise, and looked around the boat. It was a small boat, it had compartments below the few seats. You bent down to the small compartments and pulled one of them out.

Inside you found a pencil and some paper. The doctors used to have things similar to these, it was where they'd document your reaction to that awful liquid. Speaking of the liquid, you remember that you have to learn to use it...

 This very boring routine continued for what felt like months. Soon around 6 months had passed, you were so hungry- you hadn't eaten in days, your stock was low... but your hope went straight up as soon as you saw land, you went full speed there, all these months were finally worth it! You finally found land!

{That's the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed, if you have any ideas, or suggestions, pls tell me! also- sorry I'm a bit lazy lmao-}

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