Chapter 2. Payback

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Flashback: Nearly 4 years ago

It was a rainy night in the United States. A storm was coming through all over the land. In one of the bigger cities of New York, at a hotel, a different storm was brewing. On the outside of the hotel, many black vans pulled up. They were all dressed up in shades and black suits and moved as one unit and the one leading these people was none other than Y/N. He quickly got out and started to walk at a fast pace to the entrance of the hotel with his workers following right behind.

Y/N: *serious* Have this building on Lockdown. I want the internet and Wi-Fi down within a 500-yard radius for the next couple of hours. Blame the storm.

Worker: Yes sir.

Y/N: *enters into the hotel* I want all of the staff and worker's information and take away their phones. Tell them it's a Federal Investigation. Make up a logical reason. Have the people staying here stay in their rooms. Once again repeat with the Federal Investigation.

Worker: Understood.

Y/N: The medical team and I will take the elevator. Have the guards be on all the floors blocking the elevators and other exits. No one leaves until we're done here.

Worker: Anything else sir?

Y/N: Anyone who doesn't comply, subdue by the situation. Repeat as necessary.

Worker: Yes Mr. L/N.

Y/N and his medical team entered into the elevator and went up to the penthouse floor. Once there, they all quickly went to the door of the penthouse suite. Inside, they could hear someone shouting, "oh shit oh shit", over and over again. Y/N wasn't having any of that, so he kicked down the door.


Once inside, he saw a cracked-out Denki pacing back and forth while on the bed was sadly Kyoka Jiro who looked to be going into shock.

Denki: *sniff* Oh fuck your here! I-I-I-I didn't know w-what to do. S-She just started to do th-this and no-

Before Denki could even finish his strung-out sentence, Y/N had walked right up to him and punched him in the jaw. Needless to say, that with the amount of power and the impact within that punch, it had knocked Denki's lights out.

Y/N: *to the medical team* I want you to work on Jiro first. Deal with this blond piece of shit after you save her. NOW!!!

Instantly, the medical team began to work on Jiro. Y/N meanwhile went to her bedside and held her hand. The contact had Jiro instantly look at him as she was still surging.

Jiro: *pale and sweating* Y-Y-Y/N-N....

Y/N: *calmly* Shhhhh. It's alright Rockstar I'm here. Everything's gonna be just fine. Just stay with me, ok? I promise you that you and I will get through this. Just stay with me Jiro.

Present Day

Thankfully, Jiro did pull through that day. As for her boyfriend, or now currently EX-boyfriend, he too survived. But unlike Jiro, Denki still continued to use narcotics and make other horrible choices in his life. He even wrung up many debts all over with the wrong type of groups of people. 

One of those happened to be a casino that he tried to get back in. Of course, the pit boss caught him and dragged him into the back of the casino. From there, the pit boss and some of his henchmen tied Denki to a chair with quirk cancellation cuffs. If Denki had been sober, then of course he probably would have used his Quirk to try and escape. But since that wasn't the case...


PB (Pit Boss): Did you honestly fucking believe that we wouldn't recognize your ass, Kaminari?

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