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Hmmm hm hm hm hmmm....
Hmmm hm hm hm hmmm...

Branch woke up from his deep slumber groaning in annoyance, his ears twitched by the sweet voice humming,

Hmmm hm hm hm hmmm...
Hm hm hmm hmmmm...

Branch rose up from his bed and walked to his window to get a better hearing. The voice was soft and sweet, it sung all through the night. Unfortunately Branch is unknown of who that voice belongs to.

Hmmm hm hm hmmm hmmm hm hmmmm...

Branch sighed, it reminded really well of someone important in Branch's life. But what are the chances he would get to see her again, heck he doesn't even know if she still alive..


"Alright Trolls another day, another good song guys whooo!" Poppy exclaimed in her energetic tone, relaxing herself after the morning song.

Her smiled faded soon, when she realized her loving boyfriend is not here. 'Hmm where could Branch be?' She thought.

"Pop-squeak!" The pink troll recognized that familiar voice, none other than the Queen of Rock herself.
"Barb, I thought you said you were coming here late?" Poppy greeted in confusion.

Barb scoffs, "pffft whatevs, Dad was craving your red velvet cookies again, you know I gotta admit these are sick!" Barb said stuffing 2 more cookies in her mouth.

Poppy laughs, "well glad you like them, but unfortunately the star of the show hasn't come yet, so feel free to look around!" Poppy said, taking her attention to the water can and watered the flowers.

"What's the Assembly about that could be so important for us to watch, I swear if I hear more repeatable lyrics I-" Riff laughed sheepishly, and closed her mouth before she could say any bad word.

"Don't worry there's fun a lot going around, us Pop Trolls aren't that to self-confident of our music.." Poppy said, making Barb taking a back of her words.

Poppy realized something, "ooh right! Ah Sorry Barb I'll catch up with you later!" She said  running off.

Barb scoffs, "they're goes a simp girl.." she said.

(Can we literally talk about how Poppy is having her real Wattpad life, dating an ex-boyband superstar, the queen of all trolls, having a super awesome sister *Camilla Cabello* )


"Branch, are you in here?" Poppy shouts through his bunker, not minding if she's trespassing. After all, she already knocked hard on the door.

She walked through his huge bunker, it's been several times she came here. Even though she already insisted him on living in a pod, he'd still refuse.
Poppy did insisted him to live with her in her pod, but he said no immediately. The thought itself made her blushed bright red.

She walked past a few curtains, it had pictures of her and Branch together, pictures of them in the snack pack. Poppy sigh remembering Branch's journey on being the troll he is now to be.

She opened up another curtain, her eyes shocked opened to see lots of her invitation she made for Branch there, and fixed. She was shocked a bit and held one of them, why was he keeping them in the first place?

(The invitations not gonna be talked out in the movie?)
Jut then, Poppy heard a voice from the back door. Branch came out and Poppy quickly hide the invitation back inside the curtains.

"H-hey Poppy, wh-what you doing here?" He asked laughing sheepishly, run straight forward in front of her, to avoid being so near the curtains.

"Uh nothing... I was just checking up on you, the assembly is almost gonna start!" She exclaimed, Branch gave her a nod and smiled.

"Sorry, I just had a weird dream last night making me a little beat.. oh Floyd had decided to come visit here and be here for a while, you don't mind if he come along do you?"

"Not at all, the more the merrier now c'mon!" Poppy said, making Branch looks at her lovingly.

Honestly, he would be lying if he didn't feel lucky to have her. They may have their ups and downs, but they would stick together to overcome the problems they face.

Poppy looked back seeing Branch just standing there smiling, "w-what what's wrong?" The Pop Queen asked.
Branch chuckled, "nothing, I'm just happy to have you here by my side" Branch said, holding one of her hand.

"Branch..." Poppyblushed slightly and reciprocated by his touch, as they walk executing the bunker.

Thank you everybody kiss, kiss Muach ~Liaa.

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