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I rolled my luggage amidst the constant chatter and cheers, voice over the speakers reminding of boarding gates and last call to those who were running late. My heart is racing as I went past others in the queue, with their own luggages, waiting their turn to be attended to, while I breezed past each of them. I've flown many times before to travel other countries until Covid hit so this feels very new to me once again. But that's not the only thing giving me butterflies today. I feel like a child about to go to a Lolly shop with the promise of taking whatever you fancy, I'm all giddy inside walking through that wide walkway, contrasting with the winding barricaded path next to it. I've saved enough money to treat myself for this long overdue trip. I told myself my career break starts here in this airport, where I will finally put myself first, enjoy all the things I've worked hard for, everything that life offers me from this point on I will take it and yes it starts here in the absence of a queue as I was greeted and escorted to a private area where I can check in my baggage then led to the lounge to avail of a free spa or massage should I wish to or simply have a meal.

It was all a breeze as I went past security and on to boarding the plane and into my seat or more like a pod of sorts. There wasn't a lot of passengers in the flight so I was really having the best experience so far, treated like a VIP by the staff, champagne was served, white cloth spread out on my table as I had my first meal. I opted for a fancied up galbi tang, that came with about 5 banchan and of course dessert. I only had a couple of cocktails and a glass of wine but combine that with the high altitude I was already feeling, well on the clouds. By the time we had a layover in Japan, I was well and truly very friendly with the crew and excitedly sharing all my plans for this trip. I didn't even notice that a couple of the passengers have already left and replaced by a new set of passengers that the flight crew are now attending to. Honestly, I missed the attention that was diverted to the new passengers boarding especially one that was escorted to the pod on the front right of where I was. I heard whispering as he sat on his seat and my alcohol ridden head echoed with giggling from the crew. My curiosity piqued and I tried to sneak a look at this new passenger. He's quite tall, well built and aside from streaks of black hair, that's all I can see of his masked up face and baseball cap. He seemed exhausted as he plopped on his seat before giving a quick bow to the crew that led him to his pod. He's dressed in a black oversized jumper, black jeans and stomper, very trendy and I know they're very expensive, at least for me, but not for these frequent first class flyers.

We were soon on the air and a light meal was served and this time I just opted for a cheese platter. I grimaced at the blue cheese in the platter and I think I may have vocalised my disgust too loudly for the space we were in as some of the flight crew came over to see what was happening.

"Oh no no, don't worry about it. I'm just being dramatic!"

"We can replace that, it's ok. Not everyone likes blue cheese." The flight crew assured me.

"Thank you! It's one of those things right, you either love it or hate it!"

"It is and to be honest I hate it too." She picked up platter and proceeded to head down to get a replacement.

That's when I saw a pair of eyes looking on at our exchange and as I caught their gaze, the corner of their eyes crinkled and I can see the nose scrunched up behind the mask. I nodded a quick bow and mouthed sorry. He waived his hand and returned my bow then went back on scrolling on his phone. I looked around and looks like I'm the only one eating. The rest are actually on their laptops or their phones. I flicked the thought away and reminded myself that I'm on a holiday and will not think about work. As I looked out my window I thought of how the clouds draped over the clear sky, soft cotton fluffed and puffed, rays of light piercing through the thin, flimsy parts while some seemed to have been captured and trapped inside those that are thicker. I started to pull out my camera to take a short snippet of it but the strap got caught in the swivel junction of my writing desk and everything I had on top of it crashed, and I felt all eyes are on me now so I quickly got up and picked everything up from the floor. I saw a pair of sweater paws were handing me my stuff as well and I assumed it was one of the flight crew.

"Oh my gosh thanks so much!"

"No worries."

"I'm such a klutz. Always dropping things! I'm so sorry!"

"Nah you're fine. Good thing you just drop your things. You can still find them. My friend lost his passport once, and he couldn't join the rest of our trip."

"What?! That's hilarious! Not for him obviously but you know what I mean -" I stopped mid sentence as I looked up and realised the pair of sweater paws helping me wasn't one of the flight crew. It was the eye crinkling, nose scrunching mask wearer passenger. Of course flight crews don't wear sweaters why didn't that click before. Must be the alcohol.

"Yeah I know what you mean." He chuckled as he got up and put the last of my stuff on to my seat as I pushed myself off the floor as well.

"We're you trying to pull out that camera of yours?" Pointing to my camera, the straps still caught in the swivel.

"Yep," I popped my lips in answer and let out a sigh. "It looked so pretty earlier and wanted to capture it but I think the prettiest part is gone now."

"Hmmm.. Still looks beautiful from where I'm at." He looked at me then quickly glanced out the window.

Whatever that was made me blush, regretting I didn't put my mask back on while waiting for my cheese platter replacement so he wouldn't notice my face turning pink.

Thankfully my cheese platter arrived and the flight attendants face looked worried.

"What happened? Is everything ok? Some in our team had to quickly help out due to an emergency at the back and it was just me and.."

"It's ok don't worry about it." He quickly answered for both of us. "Just chatting with-?"

"Nina. Nina Park."

"Yeah Nina about the view." His eyes crinkling again.

"Ok, well thank you Mr Jeon." Her own eyes wrinkling at the corner as she placed my food on my lap table. "Is there anything else I can help you both with?"

"None for me. Thanks so much for getting this for me." I turned to, who I now know as Mr Jeon "thanks so much for helping me again."

"No worries. I think I'll have myself a cheese platter as well and hold the blue cheese please. I hate those too." He then headed back to his pod as he nodded my way to say goodbye.

The rest of the flight was uneventful thankfully. I managed to get some shots of the sky which proved to be still beautiful just what Mr Jeon said. I looked over to his side and I see him dozing off already. He must be really tired. I on the other hand is full of energy so I opened up my notebook where I've written down all my plans for this holiday-slash-sabbatical-finding myself and passion-trip.

As soon as I land I'll head straight to my hotel and spend the night there and adjust. Next is to meet my uncle and auntie who raised me and my brother. The day after meet my best friend Ellie and spend the day with her and catch up. She'll be leaving just a few days after I arrive and that was the only time we're both free until her leaving party which I still don't know if I can make time to see her off. I got some shows and musicals that I've booked for. I'll be doing some luxury shopping to spoil myself. I reason I need a proper dress for some of the shows that I'll be going to. Then I'll be heading off to Busan for a more quiet time then back to Seoul.

I've been busy working out to fit in more activities in my day that I didn't notice the pilot announcing our arrival in Korean airspace advising to buckle up. I've tidied my stuff away and followed the flight crews instruction and we were soon on the ground.

I thanked the flight crew for making my first time in first class such an experience and gave them some gifts as a token of my gratitude. They were honestly the best and can't thank them enough. It was so worth every penny if not more.

Of course the first class experience didn't end there. I was picked up by a chaffeur and driven to my hotel. But 12 plus hours on air is still a lot and I was still exhausted. So after washing up I slumped on the bed and knocked out - both from exhaustion and I suppose the alcohol. The whole day felt like a dream and I can only hope the rest of this trip will go well too.

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