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The next day I had a sleep in and was awoken by Eunsoo's call telling me she did get me an appointment to the boutique store I wanted to buy a dress from. It was around lunch time so I had to quickly get ready, just put on lip tint, bb cream and didn't even get to blow dry my hair, letting it drape naturally across my shoulders.

I got there on time and was greeted by Eunsoo's friend that worked there. The place screamed of luxury, from the moment the double doors were opened by a door man, the thick, welcoming lush carpet covering the floor and the soft, warm lighting drenching the space and a few spotlights on classic bags and shoes on display. Along the section of a wall are the dresses and some other ready to wear clothes, hang neatly and well spaced allowing it's design to be clearly displayed unlike those ones in other clothing stores that are tightly packed.

"Lucky, one of my colleague's clients cancelled. Eunsoo told me you needed to have a dress asap so I booked you in immediately when I got the call for Jiwon-ssi's client. I hope it wasn't too much of an inconvenience at the last minute."

"No, I appreciate it. I should be thanking you. I really wanted to have a dress from this store but I couldn't manage to get a booking in time for the event I'm going to."

"That's good then. I actually picked out some dresses for you based on the type of event Eunsoo said you're going to and you're size too. But feel free to browse through the store first if you want."

"Oh that's great! I actually have no idea what kind of dress I should go for but I trust you know this better than I do." I was grateful for this service. I hated scouring for clothes at the store normally so having someone already narrow down the choices for me is awesome.

"Don't worry I got you." She gave me a warm smile. "If the dresses are not to your liking just let me know and we can look at some more."

She led me to the dressing rooms which was up a spiral staircase, leading to a vast receiving area then further inside was the dressing room that was booked for me. It looked like a smaller version of the receiving area outside with 2 ornate cream leather arm chairs and a coffee table. On the side were two clothing racks and I see one of them had the dresses on and the other was with men's clothes.

"I'll have Jiwon-ssi take this out later", referring to the clothes rack with men's clothes on it "and check on you shortly. I'll be going on my lunch break as it's normally Jiwon-ssi that has this time slot but your champagne is right here already."

"Of course, no worries. I'll enjoy the champagne later. Thanks again for squeezing me in." I waved her goodbye and I took a glance at the room feeling a bit overwhelmed and out of place at all this glamour, the dresses sparkling, in velvet or silk material, soft and smooth to touch. I sighed and smiled to myself how this feels like a dream that I just had in my head. I had no one to worry about, not caring how much it will cost me, I'm just treating myself. I picked one off the rack that looked the fanciest to try on. It was a long, sparkly black and gold dress, with a haltered neckline, accentuating the shoulders while showing off the curves. It's definitely not one for the faint hearted but heck, I'm not playing it safe this time.

I took my clothes off, leaving only my panties and slid into the dress. The fabric glided smoothly against my thighs up to my hips. I can see the curve of my perky bum and made me giggle. I've never worn anything as 'provocative' as this dress and I can't wait to see how this dress will show off what I never knew I have. I tried to zip myself just above the thin waistband of my underwear but for some reason the zip won't give. Is there a thread sticking out or is it the stitch that's doing this. The dress fits just right on me so I don't know why it won't close. I blame my tight, stiff muscles for not being able to fully reach behind me and at this moment I regretted not going to those free Pilates sessions posted on our company board. I'm contorting myself, willing my body to stretch just a bit more to pull the zip but I'm getting exhausted, my hair falling all over my face as beads of sweat start to form on my forehead. Just as I'm about to give up, I heard the door open and the clothes rack getting dragged.

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