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He sent me an invite to our meeting for his music video as well as the storyline for me to review prior to our meeting. I was quite puzzled when the invite said we were meeting at a cafe and not at his company but I didn't question it and just went.

The cafe was quite modest and not what I expected where hybe will hold their meetings but I reasoned they got nothing to prove to the world. They got BTS and that's enough said about how influential and powerful the company is.

Expecting to meet the whole team working on Jungkook's music video, I was again left wondering when I saw him sitting in the corner of the cafe. He waived at me eagerly, his bunny smile wide across his face and I can't help but flash a big smile back to him, momentarily forgetting how I acted last time we saw each other.

"Hello Nina-ssi. I hope you don't mind meeting at a cafe and not in the office. I just feel stuffy in there." He rambled as he stood up to pull out a chair for me across him which is quite endearing and quite romantic as if we were on a date in a fine dining restaurant, almost making me blush.

"No not at all. I like it. The view is amazing." And it truly was, the massive glass windows behind him shows the lush greenery outside and i can her the soft slush of a water fountain or some type of water feature.

"It is, right? We can walk outside too if you want, later? There's a stream that runs along the property. They built this cafe following the stream naturally."

"Impressive. Working with nature at its finest."

"I thought so too. It's beautiful out here. It's our favourite cafe. I mean, my hyungs. My members." He added gauging my reaction if I realised who he was talking about.

"I can see why."

"So, what would you like to have? It's not just the view that we come here for but also the food and drinks." He slid the laminated menu that was on the table across to my side and proceeded to pour water on his glass and downing it in one shot then filling mine shortly after.

"Oh we order now? Should we wait for the others?" I looked over my shoulders back to the door to check if anyone is coming.

He started to pull the menu away from me looking intently at it while he spoke.

"It's just us two. They already know the storyline anyway and I thought we can just discuss the style and cuts we can do. Besides we have to have a solid take on the direction before we involve the whole team and then we can present to them." He spilled this in one breath as if reading from a script and I thought he really is the main vocals of the group having that huge lung capacity.

I suddenly had this image of him on stage belting out their songs while he flashed the camera with his abs, almost making me blush if not for the face he's making right now, all pouty and wide eyed, his head tilted like a puppy while he's still reading the menu. He's not the sexy main vocals of BTS right now but just Jungkook who's trying to decide what to order in this cafe that he confessed to frequent but still don't know what to get.

"Oh ok. That's cool! So what do you recommend I get?" I shrugged it off. I think he just wants this to be a casual meeting. After all it's not like I signed a contract or anything. Why was I expecting to be working with a team anyway? I might not even be here when they start to shoot the music video.

He finally looked up, eyes gleaming that made my heart ache a little. How can he be so cute when I know underneath those clothes is a body carved like a marble. It just doesn't match.

"No alcohol here." He scrunched his nose as he started to giggle.

I felt the blood drain from my face. Of course he will bring it up. I buried my face in my hands as I let out an exasperated sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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