three | him

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[Here With Me - d4vd]
1:08 ─〇───── 4:02
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❝as long as i'm with you, i've got a smile on my face❞

AFTER LAST NIGHT, Braeden had many intrusive thoughts. What if she just ended her life and then she could be reunited with her mother again? What if she found other coping mechanisms, rather than sitting down and looking out the window all day? What if she just finally walked out of that room and talked to her friends who missed her very dearly?

Then she thought - maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea after all?

She was so incredibly frightened of what her friends must think of her. She's weak, she's vulnerable, she's just tired and not even trying. All those negative thoughts overpowered her mind, indoctrinating herself to believe they were actually true.

But then she realized that maybe she could heal from this. She's human, and humans go through trauma and they eventually heal from it. And Braeden knew that wouldn't be able to heal by herself, she needed help from her favorite people: the pogues and Dan.

She missed them all so incredibly much, but she wouldn't be able to heal if she didn't interact with them. So, that's what she was gonna do.

It was 11 AM in the morning and Braeden was awake, sitting on her normal chair, looking at the view, like she does every day. As much as she adored the mesmerizing view, she knew she needed to take the first step to healing: walking.

So, she pushed herself up from her chair and stood up. Her bones ached from the amount of trauma she put them in, but she achieved it. Braeden managed to put one foot in front of the other and began slowly walking to her bathroom. After she finally arrived, she looked at herself for the first time in weeks. Her mouth opened agape; she didn't recognize herself anymore.

She grabbed her comb and brushed it through her tangled hair, with a grunt as it was painful for her. After, she thought it would be beneficial to her if she got in a shower. So, she took off her clothes slowly and got in.

The warm water hitting her damaged skin felt almost euphoric; she never knew she needed this so badly. When cleaning herself, she thought 'What if JJ walks in and sees that I'm not there'. So, she finished cleaning and wrapped a towel around her body.

She went into her wardrobe and picked out a basic outfit; joggers and a T-shirt. She felt like a new being after 2 simple steps.

Braeden turned around and stared at the door that was looking back at her. Her eyes focused on the wooded platform and the doorknob. All she had to do was turn the handle and walk out, so why was it so hard for her?

Because she knew that a new massive step would occur once she opened that door and stepped outside the room she'd been cooped up in for weeks of her life. However, this was going to be a massively significant step in her healing journey, so she took a deep breath and walked toward the door.

Placing her hand on the doorknob, she turned the handle and pushed it to the side. The creak was heard and it was officially open. No one was on the other side, beckoning to her. She felt as though this was all worthless if no one was going to see her.

Until a tall and blond figure appeared from the other side of the home.


She admired him, her eyes glistening in adoration. He hadn't noticed her yet, and she was scared of his reaction when he eventually did.

Her hand was shaking and her breath was becoming shortened, however, she still pushed past her negative thoughts and spoke for the first time in weeks.

"JJ?" She said, quietly, but he still heard her gorgeous voice that he adored so much. JJ turned his head, and his eyes laid upon the Welsh girl.

His girl.

"B-braeden?" He stuttered in utter shock; he never thought he'd ever see this again. His phone that was once in his hand was dropped onto the floor and his mouth was wide open. He was appalled.

"Braeden!" He yelled in excitement and ran over to his girl. Her smile that had been hidden finally came out again - her real smile.

And it was because of him.

He got to her and hugged her so tight, spinning her around in his arms, whilst laughing in relief. He never imagined this would happen.

JJ put her down (after one more tight squeezed hug) and cupped his hands on her warm cheeks, "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

She smiled at him, "I missed you too, J".

His smile grew bigger and after so long, he leaned in and their lips met once again. Their mouths fit so perfectly together; he adored it and was in awe of her. JJ missed this more than anything: being able to talk to Braeden again, let alone hugging and showing affection to her.

He loved it and he loved her.

He kissed her once again and once pulled away he pushed their foreheads together, "I love you so much, Brae."

"I love you too, J".

"What the fuck!" Kiara's voice was heard from the other side of the chateau. JJ and Braeden turned their heads and looked upon the girl who was astonished at her view. Kie ran to them and immediately hugged Braeden, whilst tears formed in her eyes.

She pulled away and looked upon Braeden, "Oh my god. How are you? Are you okay? When did you get ou-".

"Okay, okay, Kie. Enough questions. And stop hugging my girl," JJ spoke and hugged Braeden once again, whilst everyone erupted in a fit of laughter.

"No, but seriously. When did you leave?" Kie asked.

"Just now, I guess. Is anyone else home?" Braeden asked curiously.

"JB and Pope are helping Heyward out, but they should be back soon, don't worry," JJ rubbed Braeden's back, whilst smiling down at her.

Braeden nodded and the three teens sat down on the couch and began talking about the future of Braeden and what was going to happen once the rest of the pogues arrived back at the chateau.

Braeden knew this was going to be challenging, but she never imagined the positive and wholesome response she would get from her loving friends. She is proud of her first accomplishment.

Next step: John B and Pope.

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