Ch. 24 - I'm Moving Out

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When class is finish the students leave, with their powdered sugar desserts and prepared to go their next class.

"I told you her class was fun, and aren't these delicious." Chad shoving one of the beignets in his mouths."

"Yes they are." She sees a piece of sugar on Chad's face. And wipes it off. "You have something right there."

They stare into each other's eyes.

"I have to go."

"Do you know... where your next class is what I was going to ask?"

Chad starts to stop her, but she has made it far down the hallway.

Demi turns a corner, and sees Tiger Peony.

"Good job, giving me a tour of the school. I could not find my second class, and almost getting me thrown in prison."

"I am sorry about that. But you will be happy with the news I have for you. I was able to convince Fairy Godmother to let you move in with me."

"What. Why. How." Demi asks suspiciously.

"Since there are so few indigenous students, we all get a room to ourselves. Kind of gives the plain royals something to give themselves a pat on the back about. If you are my roommate, it would be easier to find ways to help, the fairies."

"When can I move in?"

"Whenever you return your old key, and get the new one."

"Yes, I do not have to live with Mal and Evie. You are partially forgiven. See you when I move in."

Demi walks past her to the library, she wants to research as much as she can on fairies.

Charming W.I.T.C.H (OFC (Demi of Meridian) & Chad Charming)Where stories live. Discover now