Short story one

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Lia ran through the forest, her assilant close on her heels. The wind torented against her, the arcid smell of the dungeons still lingering in her nose. Her lungs and legs cried out in pain from misuse, but she still ran adreniline pushing her forward. She came to a break in the foilage and without thought ran across. She didnt hear the chuckle of Erick, her captor, over the thundering of her heart, sharp pain ran up her leg and she let out a shrill scream as she fell. She looked at her leg, which was now throbbing, and saw that it was caught in a bear trap. While she was examing her leg she didnt notice Erick walking towards her, whimpering in pain with tears streaming down her face, she looked up to see if anyone was alerted by her cry. Erick stood a few feet away, smirking at her predicament. He looked her with a glint in his eyes, as he pulled out his gun and shot her in the lungs. Her screams lost to the night as she was never seen again,

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