short story three

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August was one of the best months, at least that was one of the things they could agree on.

They have been worrying over the few details of their wedding for weeks. Karma wanted everything perfect, as well as a grand wedding. On the other hand, Nagisa just wanted a simple and elegant wedding.

Karma wanted a wedding no one would forget, while Nagisa could care less, and what people thought didn't matter to him. They are so different in just about all ways, but they loved each other dearly, and couldn't imagine being apart. Especially after those school years they spent together, the bedlam they faced when Koro-sensei died and the peace they finally got after making up with their pasts.

All those where going through Karma's head, as he stood at the alter, fidgeting with the cuff of his suit. He hadn't seen his beloved fiance in a little over twenty-four hours, courtesy of Karma's mother making a big fuss about how 'they weren't having a proper wedding', or some other bullshit.

Then the organ started playing, the sound thrummed in his chest, an ominous feeling. Then as if by magic, an ethereal figure stepped on the carpet, face obscured by the veil.

Karma was mesmerized by the fluidity of the dress and the way his soon-to-be husband swayed to the music. He was shocked out of his stupor as the music suddenly desist. 

The vows went by in a blur, all he remembered was being able to hold Nagisa close, as he pulled the veil off and kissed him. Flowers where thrown at them as he carried Nagisa out to where the reception will begin.

He quickly set Nagisa down and got two plates full of food, before sitting down at their designated table.

 "I can't believe we're finally married", Karma whispered wistfully.

The End!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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