Harvey and Joeseph

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Harvey laid against the tree and took a deep breath. He had been harvesting all morning and afternoon with little to no time for rest. Joeseph, his husband, was walking towards him from the wheat feild. Joeseph plopped down next to Harvey and put his head on Harvey's lap.

" I cant wait to go back home.", Joeseph muttered lazily.

Harvey smiled and ran his fingeres through Joesephs hair, listening to his rambles and complaints. When he took a breath, Harvey kissed him on the nose.

" Your so cute when your irritated~ ", Harvey chuckled at the glare he received from his beuatiful spouse.

" Aww, come on love~ ".

Harvey pulled Joeseph close and wrapped his arms around him, giving him kisses all over his face and neck. Joeseph chuckled and kissed Harvey on the lips.

" Fine,fine. I forgive you~".

Joeseph snuggled into Harvey and sighed, as they watched the sunset.

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