Genin Love Chapter 1

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Just so you all know I'm setting this story in the alive team Minato au, which means most of the dead people are alive in it; such as Itachi, Shisui, the rest of the Uchiha clan, Minato and Kushina Uzumaki, Rin Nohara, Obito Uchiha, and probably someone I forgot to mention. If you don't like this au, don't read this. Also I'm making it so Sakura didn't have a crush on Sasuke and Naruto didn't have a crush on Sakura, Also Sakura and Ino aren't rivals, just friends. Call me weird but I don't care. Enjoy. Also any Sakura hate or negative comments will be deleted. Even though Sakura doesn't like Sasuke, it's still partially SasuSaku

The atmosphere was serene, cherry blossom season had set in. The trees outside were beyond stunning, Sakura wished she could go outside instead of being stuck in class, but that didn't matter, it was graduation day at the academy. The day the teams would be announced. She didn't have anyone particular on mind she wanted to be on the team of, with the class layout, it was set that there would be two boys and one girl on a team, so she couldn't be on a team with Ino or Hinata.

She entered class and sat down at a desk without paying attention to who else was there, she looked to her right, Ino Yamanaka looked at Sakura like she had just killed someone at her seat.

Sakura raised a brow, Ino only blinked at her, she looked to her left, some kid was sitting next to her, the popular kid, Sasuke Uchiha. Sakura immediately realised why Ino looked upset, Sasuke was her crush since they were childre- younger children.

"Did you want to sit here?" She asked the Blondie

Ino bent down to her eye level "Is that okay?"

Sakura nodded, she was about to get up when someone immediately sat at her right. Naruto Uzumaki, the son of the fourth hokage. She was now sandwiched between two popular kids, the quiet kids' worst nightmare.

The Uchiha seemed to have spaced out, Naruto probably sat there to piss Ino off, they were friends, just . . . really bitter friends. She'd never interacted with either of these two, but they definitely didn't like each other. Sakura sighed and felt numerous cold stares from all over the classroom, no one said anything, but almost every girl aside from her and the Hyuga princess were madly in love with Sasuke.

A shadow cast over her face, why has the world come to this. The teacher, Iruka had entered the classroom.

"Alright everybody" The man with the ponytail started

There was a whole lecture about how happy he was that everyone in the class had graduated, Sakura sat there smiling, Sasuke was still in his own world, and Narutos' face clearly said 'JUST LET US GO ON MISSIONS ALREADY'.

"Now on to the improtant stuff, you will all be in teams of three for the genin exams, even though everyone graduated, only nine from this class are going to be real shinobi" This perked everyones' ears.

Sakura heard Ino whisper from behind "Someones' gotta be on Sasukes' team then" She could hear the blonde smirk.

They went through several team names that she didn't reckognise until she heard

"Sakura Haruno" her ears perked up, she was actually paying attention now "Naruto Uzumaki". 'Naruto Uzumaki?', she turned to her right to see Naruto looking excited. He heard him whisper 'Who the hell is that?'. Her face sunk. "And Sasuke Uchiha on team 7"

Her jaw dropped 'Oh no~', she thought. She recieved no death stares this time 'Does nobody actually know who I am in this classroom?'

Sasuke looked to his right in disgust, 'Why is he glaring at me? Am I under attack?' She then realized, he was upset because him and Naruto would be on the same team. Oh no, he and Naruto would be on the same team, this was bad.

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