Genin Love Chapter 18

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Silence, at last. Not that it would last too long, enjoying the quiet of Konoha was enjoyable.

"Excuse me?" A voice said from behind

Sakura turned around to a brows haired girl with cute pigtails "Can I do anything for you, young lady?"

"Just tell me which ninja team you're on . . ."

The condensing tone she used made Sakura want to flip her off, she wasn't that kind of person though "Team seven, why do you neeed to know?" she said, slightly bitterly

"Oh" The girl's face turned into a mean scowl "So~ what ninja clan are you from? You're a noble, aren't you?"

'I don't think she is' Sasuke thought from behind the tree, sure he was eavsedropping, but it intrigued him so why not listen in

"I'm a civilian" Sakura said 'What do you have anything against it?'

The girl looked at her in disgust "Than which idiot told you that being a Shinobi was a good idea?"

Sasuke's eyes widened, he remembered his father explaining to him that most civilians became shinobi to; quote on quote 'Earn a high position' by marrying into a noble's family or clan.

"So I could protect people precious to me, that's all you need to know. So I made a descision" Sakura explained, deeply uncomfortable behind her carefree smile

The look on her face didn't change "So you decided to do this for fun?"

'This bi-' Sakura's eyebrowed burrowed as she grinned "Is it a crime to want to protect somebody precious to you?"

"And who do you want to 'protect'?"

"Family . . . well, truthfully only one person. But that is, in the nicest form; none of your business"

"But you can't fight" she said obnoxiously

Sakura's eye twitched "Well that one person is a Shinobi himself, so I became a medic. Why are you so curious?"

"Truthfully, I wished I was in your place in certain ways"

"Meaning?" she truthfully had no clue what she was trying to say

The girl put her hand up to her chest and moaned "It's just . . .unfair, you know? Why'd the Hokage think that you deserved to be on the same team as his son and . . ." there was a dramatic pause "Sasuke-kun!"

Sakura looked at her, confused 'Dramatic much' "Did you want to be on Sasuke or Naruto's team?"

The girl's eyes widened "Of course I did! I meant Sasuke-kun, he's just so perfect" Her eyes shone

Sakura chuckled and hid her mouth in her hand "I wouldn't say perfect" a small dent of a laugh was in her voice

'At least she doesn't think that way' Sasuke glared at the girl, knowing she couldn't see him.

"Sure, he's . . ." She tried to understand his appeal "Good-looking, I suppose. But he's nowhere near perfect"

"What do you mean by that, forehead? He's pretty much my ideal man" She said dreamily

'Forehead?' Sasuke, by this point, was unaware of the joke behind his teammate's sizable forehead

"And besides, he wouldn't like you by any chance, you look like a mess"

Sakura observed the girl's features 'And you look like your balding with that missing hairline'

Author's note: If you know that audio, you know.

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