Genin Love Chapter 13

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The genin had stopped running through the trees and sat down to eat something

As Naruto swam to find three fish, Sasuke stabbed them as the jumped out of the water

"Quicker! We don't have all day" He urged Naruto

"Excuse me for doing all the work here, how about I sit there all dry and you try swimming, huh?"

Sasuke ignored his comment "I guess three is enough"

"Sasuke! I'm lighting the fire, could you help me out with one of your fireballs?"

Sauke scoffed and left

As Sasuke went to get some water, naruto and Sakura sat there alone

"Sakura-chan, I've an idea"

"What is it?" She sweetly asked

"Our heaven scroll got burnt but we have the earth scroll that that creepy guy dropped. If we tried and read the earth scroll, it could give us a clue. Trust me! It's the best idea I've had in my whole life!"

"That's the worst idea you've had in your whole life" She responded blatantly "Anko Mitarashi Sensei explicitly said not to read those, you should know better"

"Do you have any better ideas?"

"Yes! We could just steal a heaven scroll from somebody else!"

"They're probably already at the tower by now, we're making a mistake. I'll do it if you're going to be a wimp" He grabbed the earth scroll and opened it up before Sakura could stop him, a kunai came racing Narutos' way and someone picked up their scroll.


The figure looked at the scroll "Don't worry, I already have both scrolls. But you really shouldn't try and read yours" It was Kabuto

"Kabuto!" Naruto exclaimed

"Hey there, Uzumaki. As I said you shouldn't be reading these things, you don't want to know what happened to people with the same bright idea as you"

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you all that later, would you like me to help you children out?"

"You, why are you here?" Sasuke said, returning with a three canteens of water

"Your teammate had the idea of reading the earth scroll" Kabuto told him

"Snitch" Naruto muttered

"The proctor clearly said not to read it, I thought at least you'd know better" he turned to Sakura

"You're making it sound like he grabbed it with my consent" she sweetly replied "You're both stubborn as they get"

After they calmed down Kabuto offered his offer again "Do you want me to help you three find a heaven scroll?"

"Or we could just take yours" Sasuke offered

"I think it would be wiser to fight someone without seven chunin exams of experience" Sakura urged

Sasuke rolled his eyes and crossed his arms "Fine, how do we find an earth scroll?"

Kabuto laid out a map of the forest of death, he pointed to a structure in the middle "That's the tower, many students will be coming that way. If we're able to steal a scroll from any one of them, we're golden" kabuto explained

"That seems like a delightful plan, but won't other students have the same idea?" Sasuke asked skeptically

"Exactly, that's why we'll come from the oppopsite end" He pointed to a different part of the map

After they secured the plan, they scattered out,

Sasuke was met with a couple students, after throwing a number of paper bombs at them, he got a scroll, it was an earth scroll though.

Naruto and Kabuto also accidentally secured a useless earth scroll, while Sakura didn't find anything

The three met at the base of the tower.

"I found an earth scroll" Sasuke atmitted

"Same here" replied Kabuto

"I couldn't check which scroll this was, since I was in a hurry" Sakura pulled up a scroll

Kabuto looked at the scroll closely and smiled "It's a heaven scroll"

The genins' eyes widened

"You three should head inside first, I have to wait for my teammates" Kabuto said "see you later"

"Bye Kabuto! Thanks!"

"There was something sketchy about that guy" Sasuke commented

"What's that supposed to mean? He was nothing but nice to us" Naruto shrugged

"Sasuke, I think you're over alalyzing the situation" Sakura said

"Okay" he shrugged

After a chat with their old academy teacher in the tower which I don't want to write out, the three of them entered the room. Sasuke recalled their teacher saying that the final stage would be a tournament.

"Kakashi said this would be a tournament, I think it's the final stage too"

"I suppose you're right"

"This is the part I've been waiting for, I personally hope I get to fight Sasuke though"

"I don't know if they'll let people on the same team fight" Sakura said

"Well that's not fair"

They entered the room to see Team Asuma, Team Kurenai, Team Gai, the sound guys who tried to take Sasuke, and the sand siblings all in one place. Shortly kabuto entered the room with two others.

They all stood in lines as the Hokage gave a speech with the proctors "Alright, for the final stage of the Chunin exams, it will be an all out tournament, you will all be given an opponent, last one standing is the winner. But for this, we will have to have someone forfeight due to the odd number of people in this room"

Sakura was about to raise her hand when someone else did, Kabuto "I don't need to be here" He immeadiately walked out before anyone could say a word

Sakura tapped Sasuke on the shoulder "Sasuke"

"What is it?" he rudely asked

"Don't you think you should forefeit, I'm concerned about that mark on your neck. You know what it did to you"

Sasuke grabbed his teammates wrist and squeezed it tightly to make sure she wouldn't forefeit "It'll be fine, as soon as we're done with my fight I'll sit down" he ensured

She sighed "Fine, but don't let that mark take you over. It could actually do something bad if no one can stop you this time"

"Mind your own buisness, I'll be fine"

She didn't react, she was used to his petty insults by this point, nothing she couldn't handle.

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