1- angels really do exist

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A boy who went out for a walk to get away from his, deceiving parents he saw a little girl looking at the lake. He looked at her for a while before approaching her. He says hi, you seem lost in thought. The girl says oh, hello sorry about that? I just often come here, to try and forget things. My parents are quite, cruel you could say. They expect me, to be the perfect child. They don't care about my feelings at all. Ony my siblings actually care about me. Everyone else would just toss me into the trash, like I'm nothing. The boy hugs the girl. The boy says I get it, I really do? My parents are shit too. The girl looks at him shocked by his words. He looked so innocent to her that she, thought he had wonderful parents. He said how about we become friends? We can talk about our parents anytime together! The girl says alright! What's your name?! The boy says my name's Wriothesley! What's yours?! The girl says my name is y/n Suzanne Śuji but, please just call me y/n?! Wriothesley nods well for now on I'll be your friend starting today!!! Y/n smiles at his words. Y/n says thanks for being my friend? You're my first ever friend, no one else, wants to be friends with someone like me.

Wriothesley says is that so? Well their lost then? I think you're an angel. You seem like a really sweet person to me. So I'll be there for you as much as possible. Y/n says aww you're different than everyone else! In a good way of course?!!! I didn't think I would meet anyone, who would want to be friends with me?! Y/n hugs the Wriothesley they hugged, for awhile before they stop hugging each other. Wriothesley says so what are you're hobbies?! Y/n says let's see I do singing, dancing, stargazing etc. Wriothesley says that sounds interesting, I don't really have hobbies. Y/n says you wanna take a walk around Fontaine?! Wriothesley says sure! They walk around Fontaine while chatting, about pretty much everything bad about their lives. Y/n says I've really enjoyed your company today, it was nice, having someone to talk to about my troubles for once. Wriothesley says I agree. So how about, we again tomorrow at the park we met at today?! Y/n says sure I'll see you again tomorrow then! They said their goodbyes before leaving, to go home even if they didn't want to. Y/n walks to her house to see her parents were asleep they didn't care if she didn't come home. She locked the door and went up to her room locking her door. She said to herself Angel's really do exist she was referring to Wriothesley. It was nice of him to think I'm an angel. But the real angel would be him not me?! She then falls asleep in her bed dreaming about what will happen tomorrow.

A/n: sorry it's short but I didn't know how to start it next one will be longer for sure though

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