2- I'm sorry....

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For the past few years you've been the best of friends. You were 6 then, you're currently 8 now. You've been awfully more happy with Wriothesley around. In your life just last year you heard some terrible news. That you're sweet grandma passed away. It was hard to not think about it. She really cared for you like a real parent would. You'd wish your parents were as sweet as her. Quite literally they only treated you, as a stranger never an actual daughter. They never saw you as family. You would always be a mistake, to them no matter what you do. They will never learn to love you, maybe this is because they have cruel hearts. And aren't able to love you, perhaps you will never experience what real love is. You've desperately have wanted to be loved. Was that really so hard to ask? Were you really, that worthless like everyone says you are?! Maybe it would be, simply better if you never existed at all. Would anyone even care if you had left the world of, the living and crossed over to where people of the dead go. You hate to leave Wriothesley like this, but you can't stand living in this world much longer...  living in this world has only caused you pain, mentally and physically you simply cannot take it anymore.

You don't wish to hurt anyone, but all good things must, come to an end sooner or later. Death was always going to happen, one way or another you can't stop it no matter how much you try. Death is everywhere around us, even if we cannot see with our own eyes. Is it really right for me to stay, in a world where I don't belong at all. I'm just an outcast here, what reason do I have to stay what's my reason for even being here. Why was I even born if I'm not meant to be loved in this world. Why do I exist? What's my reason for existing? I wonder if I'll find the answers I seek and the truth I have longed to know. So many questions yet so very few answers to these pointless questions, that many people would never ask themselves. But I can't help but wonder if I'm worthy enough to even exist here. Why is it that I exist infront of everyone's eyes here today. Perhaps I'll never find the answers, to these questions I have hidden in my head. Is the hydro archon even aware of the suffering of the people. Or does she simply not care at all. Then again she is the archon of Justice, perhaps her sense of justice is cruel as you've heard on the street. You met up with Wriothesley at the usual place. You said hey Wriothesley! He said hey y/n how are you!? You said I'm fine.

Wriothesley seems to have his doubts about your word's. But he didn't say anything about it. He just went along with it. He says well let's discuss the usual why don't we!? Y/n says sure, you mean about your plan to take action against your parents, right? Wriothesley nods and says yeah, but after I take my revenge against them, I'll take you away from your parents and we'll live together peaceful. Y/n says "that actually sounds lovely"!? I'm honored, you care about me that much!? Wriothesley says of course I'll care about you!? You're my friend, you're also the only one I can really trust!? I can't seem to trust anyone else at all, there's too many untrustworthy people in this world!? Y/n says I get it, really I do? It's hard to trust people, trust is something that should be earned, not played or manipulated you get the idea!? Wriothesley says yeah I do. The two chatted away about their troubles to each other about their parents. Y/n didn't tell Wriothesley about her suicide thoughts, she didn't want to trouble him. He already had enough to worry about, already she didn't want to add on to it. After she was sure he went home, she went to a place with lots of water, and had attempted to drown herself but was stopped. She was pulled away from the water by none other, than Wriothesley which is what she was afraid of she didn't want him to see her like this. He looked angry and cornered for her. Wriothesley yelled ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!? WHY DID YOU TRY TO KILL YOURSELF JUST NOW!? MOST IMPORTANTLY WHY, DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THESE THOUGHTS YOU WERE HAVING!? you know I'm there for you right!? You just nodded  you refused to look at him in the eye. Wriothesley says So why did you do it? You said cause things have been getting worse than they were before? My parents... abuse me Wriothesley they hit me until I can't move anymore!? He looked at you shocked and went to you. He hugged you he refused to let you go after that.

A/n: forgot to mention there would be gore as in deep topics

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