4- Caught red handed

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You put on some black ripped jeans, and a white crop top. You grabbed your black sneakers hurrying to put them on and ran out the door. Meeting your awful parents at the park. Your mother says about time let's go already. You just nodded following them to Wriothesley's house. After arriving there the adults, went to talk in the living room, both you and Wriothesley spied on the adults. You waited until it turned to 6:00 to make your move. Wriothesley set off the trap, which caught the adults attention, while their attention was on the trap, you made your move and took the hidden knife and hid it in your clothing. A waitress came by, you cut them from behind with the knife, but quickly hid it in your clothing once again. You acted like you cared when in reality it was all an act, just to distract everyone and draw their attention, away from Wriothesley.  Wriothesley did his part while I distracted everyone. Just as planned the chandelier fell crashing, onto the table trapping my parents, the waitress seemed to have died from losing too much blood. Wriothesley approached his parents, and killed them without much effort. He stood guard waiting for me to finish everything off. I had a talk with my so called parents, before slicing their throats making their heads fall off onto the ground. To make sure they were actually dead, I stabbed them both with the knife where the heart is located.

After confirming that they were now dead I ran out of there, with Wriothesley only for us to be caught by the guards. I stabbed the guards in the legs, we took this as our chance to escape the guards behind us. I ended up killing 27 guards before, we were arrested for our crimes. We were transported to the Meropide Fortress for a few days, our trial was delayed due to the constant thunderstorms, in Fontaine lately. The current head of the Fortress was a rough person, he was pretty cruel to me on day one. But after that he seemed to be an okay person. Me and Wriothesley spent as much time together as we could. Our trial got delayed again to about a month from now, there were a lot of problems on the surface that needed, to be solved before any trials could be held in the Opera house. I wasn't complaining or anything I was quite patient infact. I actually enjoyed my time here, this certainly didn't feel like a prison to me. It felt more like home if anything. Me and Wriothesley would test our strength, in the ring I would win against him half of the time. I wonder how those kids, that Wriothesley set free are doing now. Hopefully they're safe and in a good home too. It was now two weeks left until our trial in court, I'm honestly nervous maybe I should just admit to my crimes, I'll talk to Wriothesley about it later. Later that same day I talked to Wriothesley, about how I feel about this place he felt the same. So we agreed to just confess and get it over with. I would definitely be in here longer than Wriothesley I killed 30 people. They will definitely not go easy on me in court I can already tell. I just hope that I can live my peaceful life after getting out, of prison in who knows how long what am I saying this place isn't a prison at all. The two weeks passed very quickly, I was very nervous for what was to happen today, during our trials mostly mine though.

A/n: there's going to be a lot of angst for the next chapter don't say I didn't warn you

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