5- Let the Trials of Wriothesley And Y/n Suzanne Śuji begin

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We were escorted to the Opera house for our trials. We were to be trialed one at a time. I was being trialed first. I was escorted up to the stands for my trial. Wriothesley was watching from below he looked scared for me. Neuvillette says Now that both parties are present the first trial may begin! The evidence we've gathered from the scene clearly suggests that you've killed 30 people, is this correct Miss Y/n Suzanne Śuji? Is this true? I said Yes, this is correct your honor...? Some people from below said I can't believe a girl that young killed 30 people in one day? Another voice said Ugh, people like that should just be killed off! After all she's a criminal, is she not!? Wriothesley looked angry I couldn't tell if it was at me or the people chatting from below!?? Another voice said just get it over with already she's already guilty don't give her a chance?! Another voice says she's not getting out of this without anyone to defend her that's for sure!? Everyone's comments about you were so harsh. You were going to confess to your crimes anyways, but it still hurt hearing it. These people are so cruel! The only reason you went down this path was because of how your parents treated you? As for the maid you didn't mean for her to die, you thought that the knife didn't cut too deep but, you guessed you were wrong. Either way it hardly matters now. As for the guards it was just so they couldn't get they're hands on you but in the even that failed! You would of been guilty even if you weren't going to confess to your crimes. Neuvillette says Order, Order, Order to the court! Miss Y/n Suzanne Śuij this is you're Last chance to defend yourself! I then said I admit to my crimes Monsieur Neuvillette? It sounded more like a question if anything. You were just nervous is all. Everyone except Wriothesley seems surprised at this statement. Neuvillette says "Are you absolutely sure Miss Y/n Suzanne Śuji?" You said "Yes." 

Neuvillette seems sad about your trial for some reason, which is very odd. Neuvillette retold everything that happened. Neuvillette says first Miss Y/n Suzanne Śuji cut the maid's leg to distract everyone, so that her partner in crime could do his part without anyone noticing. Your said partner set off the trap at the beginning but didn't, come to pass until after you distracted them for an amount of time. That's when the chandelier came crashing down on to the table trapping not only your parents Miss Y/n Suzanne Śuji lucky the other didn't die. You're partner killed his parents and waited, for you a person in hiding had a call about what was happening shortly after. You had a long talk with your parents about everything, they had done wrong they were wanted criminals for many years? You then killed them after your talk with them only to be caught by the guards. You stabbed the guards in their legs before running away, with you're partner and then ended up being caught a few hours later. That is how it happened! "You're  sentence is 14 years in prison Miss Y/n Suzanne Śuji?! You just nodded before going down Wriothesley's trial was now in session you listened closely he admitted to his crimes and was given his sentence. We were sent back to Meropide Fortress and right back into our cells. It didn't seem so bad here I could get used to it, we agreeded to meet up in the morning we were so tired from today's events. I thought about what would happen tomorrow I wonder if, our relationship with each other will change after this or not. I headed to sleep not wanting to think about this anymore than I have to.

A/n: finally finished this chapter its short but this book needs a chapter out so here you all go

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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