Poem #2: Love Life

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Haha based on my current feelings I guess :L

I have rainy days and sunny days,

Cloudy days and clear,

Stormy days and calm.

These days come and go,

Attack me and leave me,

Hug me and stay.

These days are my own days,

No one elses.

People say that they are the weathers of this Earth,


They are MY feelings,

The feelings I feel in a single day.

Feelings that build me up,

Feelings that destroy me on a daily basis.

He says he loves me,

But he's hardly around.

My patience,

My happiness,

My love is being tested.

I tested you in the past,

It's my turn now.

I don't like it,

I NEED reassurance,


But I love you,

So I'll deal with these days.

Rainy and sunny,

Cloudy and clear, 

Stormy and calm,

Until I have you near. <3

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