Chapter 5

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A/N: This chapter is mostly Angst ig? Well basically about Y/N and her relationship with her parents. So yeah it's kinda depressing. (Dw it's all made up and I'm not suffering at all!!)

<< Romantic Homocide : Idk (again😭) >>

I walked out of that big ass mansion feeling like a fucking Sophia the first.

I got trough all the security and went back into the direction of my house, just to find my parent's car infront of my house.

I started thinking of exuses and ways of how to explain myself why I was home late.

My parents were very strict and never appreciated anything I did... not even a little bit...

But while I was thinking, my house kept getting closer and closer and the sweat on my forhead was getting colder.

Shakingly I placed my hand on the door handle and opened the door leading inside my house.

The door screeched and I slowly and still nervously peeked to scan my surroundings.

„Who's there?!" An aggressive and firm female voice called out, my mother.

„Uhh... Hi mom..." I smiled nervously and walked inside taking of my jacket slowly and hanging it up, wish I could do that to myself right now.

„Y/N L/N!! Why are you late?!" My so called  mother was sitting on the couch with her legs and arms crossed. Her gaze was piercing trough me like I was dart board and her eyes were the dart.

I shakingly walked forward to her and stood infront of her, and then I noticed, my father was there as well...

„I was studying for a group project with a friend of mine. I'm so sorry I'm late! We had a lot of work to finish—" A voice louder than mine cut off my sentence.

„That is not a reason for you to be late!!" My father practically growled with his drunk and sunken eyes looking at me as if I were his pray.

The fact that I'm not late and that they came earlier than they told me pisses me off the most.

They're always working and come home just to tell us what a disappointment we are. I took care of Aoi since she was little because my mother never cared about either of us. I had to learn how to cook, how to take care of not only myself but also my little sister Aoi and many other things a Highschool girl shouldn't worry about as much as I do.

„I—" I couldn't even say a word and my mother was already yelling at me.

„You were late, and that's your mistake! Now go prepare dinner before me and your father die of starvation you little shit!"

I hated every second of it.

My friends keep asking me why I can't hang out with them as much as they do. Well there you have it: my bitch of a mother and the drunk bastard of a father.

As soon as I'll get the chance to I want to move out, find a little apartment just enough for me and my little sister and live there, far away from these two.

„I'm sorry mother." I bowed slightly and my hair covered my face to hide my expression.

„You better be. All you do is make mistakes which you never fix! You're a good for nothing! I should've never gave birth to you, or your sister!" My mother yelled at me with all her anger.

I never knew words could be so painful.

I felt like my heart was getting ripped out of my chest and squeezed untill it exploded right before my eyes.

I knew that if I would say something against her or anything at all my father would beat me, so I just stayed quiet and went up the stairs. „I'll be right back to make dinner."


So yeah take care, stay hidraated and get enough sleep not like me alright?!!😘🫶💗

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