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some Lottie hcs for you

whenever she disobeys Bruce and he asks her why, void's only response is "eat the rich"

when they got their first period, she went to Harmonia, and Harmonia did actually help her bc bbg did her research and honestly was just able to help with the bare minimum (how to work a pad, explaining menstrual cycle basics, blah blah) but was like "but yeah if you need help with really anything else go to the AFABs, they probably know what their talking about more than I will"

the batfam calls it mini Stephanie and in turn call Stephanie tall Lottie (even though we're both 5'5)

her using her fire powers to help cauterize wounds

in the au where Ellie stays with the Waynes, she shows Ellie her cat Marshmallow because "wait, you're deaf? wait right here- *runs off and comes back with cat* he's deaf too!"

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