Compensation~ Ch22

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Author-chan whispers : Double update, so if you didn't get the notification for the last, then go back a chapter!

3rd Point Of View

Sukuna's eyes dark crimson eyes narrowed in on (Y/n)'s tense form as she continued to mop his floors, staying silent as if she hadn't just heard his threat. But Sukuna felt those needles of fear scrape against his heart and so he knew she heard him loud and clear.
"So, are you going to explain how you know one of my best curse users or are you going to make me force it out of you?" Sukuna asked the girl with a raised brow.

"I... don't know what you're talking about, my Lord." (Y/n) replied softly, refusing to make eye-contact with the lord as she cleaned. The water was getting to the point where the colour red couldn't possibly become any more prominent, meaning she needed to refill the water.
"The water's dirty. I'll refi-" Sukuna then cut off her feeble and useless attempts of escape immediately, the sound of his voice stopping her before she could even get close towards the exit.
"It's funny that you think I'm allowing you to leave this room." Sukuna chuckled as he leaned back into his throne

(Y/n) sighed as she turned around the face Sukuna, giving in to him.
"You shouldn't attempt play with me, brat. You'd never win." Sukuna promised darkly as he took a swing of his wine. "So, tell me how it is you know him."
"I..." She didn't know how to begin.
"That man is a curse user who is rarely ever in Japan for longer than a month." Sukuna informed her, not realising that he was telling her something she already knew.

"Then, my Lord...which country is he usually in?" (Y/n) then subtly asked, hoping that he'd come to the conclusion on his own rather than have her explain.
"Well, usually in Chin-" Sukuna cut himself off when he realised, "Oh! I see!" Sukuna gasped in awe, clapping his hands together with amusement while (Y/n) kept her eyes trained to the floor.
"You met him during your time as a slave!" Sukuna grinned with realisation, making (Y/n) nod in agreement.

Though her time as a slave was a traumatic experience, (Y/n) did not have no qualms with talking about it to others. But she did not like to start the topic herself. She preferred if others came to the conclusion on their own so that she may judge their reaction. For most, it was pity. With those people, she'd stop the conversation there. But with the Lord, it was amusement. But it wasn't her time as a slave in question, it was her duties as a slave instead.
"I've mentioned to you once before, my Lord that your influence reached far...and that is how you saved me and my mother- that is how you became our hero." The girl told him cryptically, making his brows furrow.

"I do not follow." Sukuna replied.
"That curse user broke into the barn than me and three dozen other slaves were held, waiting to be traded to the next buyer." She told him, revelling 8n how invested he was in listening to her speak, "Our trader also dealt in forbidden objects which is what the men under your rule were searching for when they raided the barn. They defeated all the men keeping us confined, and simultaneously freed us slaves from imprisonment."

"How romantic." Sukuna mocked boredly, rolling his eyes at the story as he guessed where it was going. (Y/n) giggled at his reaction, not at all offended. "So, what then? Do they all remember you too or is it just specifically him?"
"I assume it would be just him, my Lord." (Y/n) guessed honestly.
"And what did you do to give him such a long lasting impression?" Sukuna then asked with mocking laughter as he brought his cup to his lips to drink his wine.

"I offered him my body as compensation for freeing me and my mother." (Y/n) told Sukuna softly, making the man choke on his wine. He spluttered his red wine all over the floor after hearing her speak. And even when the drink was no longer to his lips, he found himself wondering if he'd heard correctly.
"You what?" Sukuna asked.
"I offere-" Before (Y/n) could repeat her words, Sukuna cut her off quickly.

"No, I heard you the first time, you little brat!" He snapped, slamming his cup down on the table beside him. Sukuna took a few seconds to himself, finding the words to put in his mouth.
"And? Did he take this 'compensation' of yours then?" Sukuna asked her incredulously, already in his heart knowing the answer. What man in his right mind would say no?
"He did." She replied simply, making Sukuna's brow twitch.

"Damned horny bas-" Sukuna was cut off by (Y/n)'s soft giggle.
"Does knowing this bother you, my Lord?" The young girl then asked him with slight amusement, making his lip twitch angrily.
"No." He growled instantly. (Y/n) smiled as she watched his aura flare red. Lie.
"And so, did his cock pleasure you when he burried what little he has into you?" Sukuna asked her forcibly, making (Y/n)'s brows furrow with confusion.

"Pleasure me? Women cannot take pleasure from sex, my Lord." (Y/n) replied worriedly, her innocent little eyes telling Sukuna everything that he needed to know. Sukuna then burst out in laughter, as if he'd just heard her say the funniest joke, cackling outloud maddeningly.
"Well, that answered my question, didn't it?" Sukuna snickered to himself as he stood out of his throne and walked down the steps towards the door.

"When you're done here, you are to mop the rest of the temple grounds too." Sukuna ordered with a lingering grin as he walked out the room. His cackles echoeing through the halls.
"Yes, my Lord." (Y/n) mumbled as she nodded slowly. The whole time, wondering one thing.

Could women take pleasure from sex?

(A.N ~ Jealousy do be peeking through sometimes.)

Chapter 23 Quote Teaser :

"Yes, but then we can get to the highest hill in the valley and we'll have the most romantic view like- ever!"

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