Soft ~ Ch66

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3rd Point Of View

"Now that you've stopped testing my patience, what do you say we start your first day of training?" Sukuna asked the girl with a wolfish grin as he stood up from his previous position on the stairs.
"We?" (Y/n) echoed naively as she stood up too, having not realised that Sukuna would want to be involved in her training.
"Do you genuinely think I'd let you leave now that you're talking to me again?" Sukuna asked dully, his brow raised.

(Y/n) tried to bite her lip to hold back the smile that threatened to slither across her lips, butterflies dancing in her chest.
"Okay." (Y/n) agreed, making Sukuna smirk as he stepped into the training field, (Y/n) following behind him.
"Uraume!" Sukuna called out as he snapped his fingers, warping Uraume into the training field within a gust of flames. She always looked flustered for a few seconds after Sukuna warped her to his location without warning, but somehow seemed to recover within the second and act natural.

"Bring the bastard that first asks about her and shackle him to that post over there." Sukuna told the white haired woman, waving her off and nodding his head towards the entrance to the dungeons. Uraume nodded obediently.
"Yes, my Lord." She replied before making her way down the staircase. As Uraume walked away to retrieve a prisoner, (Y/n) felt a wave of nervousness coarse through her body, making Sukuna turn to her.

"I... don't know if I'm ready for this, Sukuna. I haven't at all prepared for something like this." (Y/n) mumbled, fiddling with her fingers as she spoke.
"You read the scroll that I gave you, yes?" The man asked her.
"I have...but reading can only get you so far when it comes to Jujutsu." (Y/n) replied, making Sukuna scoff.

"Well, currently you do not have a book- you have the strongest man in Japan standing beside you. Do you dare deny yourself the opportunity?" Sukuna asked with a raised brow, his hands locked behind his back as he took a step forward. (Y/n) frowned, staying silent as she looked down at her feet, beginning to feel guilty when she realised how willing Sukuna was to go help her- especially after how she'd treated him over the past two days.

"I feel your negative energy running down my spine like hot water, little (L/n). Regret, shame, anger and resentment will suffocate every man in a 7 mile radius." Sukuna hummed, "If you keep going like this, you may kill the entirety of Japan." After Sukuna had said this, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel more on edge.
"If you train with me today, you can release that cursed energy and rid yourself of these dark emotions and that heavy weight on your shoulders." Sukuna told the girl pointedly.

(Y/n) bit her lip as she thought on it. Releasing her cursed energy in the form of her cursed technique was always a sure way of relief from emotions that weighed her down. Maybe this was exactly what she needed right now. With that in mind, (Y/n) began nodding.
"You're right." The girl agreed softly, making Sukuna immediately scoff.
"Of course I'm right." He replied arrogantly as he turned towards the dungeons, hearing their metal doors creak open.

Uraume trudges out with a man trudging behind her on a shackled leash. He seemed willing for the most part, following behind her obediently, with the notion that he was being freed. But when Uraume took him over to the post that stood tall in the middle of the training yard and clamped his chains around it, locking it securely, he began to thrash with wide panicked eyes.
"Hey! You said you freeing us!" The man yelled, eyes locked on Sukuna's.

Sukuna chuckled darkly as he walked towards the prisoner, angry wisps of fire encircling him as he walked ahead tauntingly.
"And you genuinely believed that?" Sukuna laughed wickedly, his eyes dark and unforgiving. When the prisoner began feeling goosebumps crawl up his arms, he turned to look at (Y/n).
"And you?! You said you wanted to help us!" The prisoner spat, making (Y/n) glare at him.

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