Tenfold ~ Ch89

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Six Years Ago

3rd Point Of View

Coughs echoed around the room, vibrations bouncing off stone walls. Girls were huddled together in groups of three or four, sharing warmth among eachother, taking turns on who laid in the middle. Sweat trickled down their spines and necks as they inhaled breathlessly, some of their eyes rolling to the back of their heads.

"Astumi! Here, the guards have brought you some drinking water!" (Y/n) exclaimed with forced enthusiasm as she pushed her way through the huddles of girls in order to get to the back of their shared cell where her bed friend laid numbly. (Y/n)'s mother was sleeping beside Atsumi, facing the wall as she wheezed through her chest pain. (Y/n) slid down onto her knees infront of Atsumi, a wooden cup of cold water in her hands that she was already trying to bring to Atsumi's lips.

"And how many of them did you allow inside you to make that happen?" Astumi asked groggily as she looked down at the cup of water.
"It doesn't matter." (Y/n) mumbled, waving off the matter as if it were insignificant. She then continued to push the water to towards Atsumi's lips.
"Come on, drink." (Y/n) whispered, watching as Atsumi finally parted her lips, allowing the water to spill into her mouth.

(Y/n) waited a few moments before pulling the cup back and then using her sleeve to wipe the side of her friend's mouth. That's when Atsumi used her arm to push the water towards (Y/n).
"You should drink as well." Astumi muttered croakily, "You're sick too." (Y/n) frowned as she looked at the cup that Atsumi was weakly pushing towards her.
"Atsumi, I-" (Y/n) was cut off immediately.

"(Y/n), please. The faster you're better, the faster the rest of the girls are better." Atsumi told her, a plead in her voice.
"You being better is what matters the most to me." (Y/n) admitted sadly before turning her head to take a sip of the water. She caught a cold almost a week ago, but unfortunately for everyone else it became more than just a cold. It turned into pneumonia for some and hypothermia for others.

"I'll be fine. I'm a Gojo, remember? I'm sick because I've got a horrible immune system, not because of your jujutsu. I'm way too strong for you to affect me." Atsumi told her proudly, her chest making wheezing noises as she breathed out, making (Y/n) giggle sadly.
"Of course. You're right. You're a Gojo, after all." (Y/n) chuckled softly.
"Exactly. I'm the strongest." Atsumi nodded boastfully, her pale skin and sweaty neck not matching the confidence in her tone.

"And the most beautiful." (Y/n) smiled, making Atsumi hum as she leaned her head back, closing her eyes.
"Yes, keep praising me. I feel my body healing already." She told the girl, making (Y/n) laugh loudly. Atsumi laughed too. Eventually the laugh turned into coughs, choking on the air she breathed. (Y/n)'s smile falted as she looked down at her friend.

"Hey...Do you miss your family?" (Y/n) asked Atsumi, brushing her sweaty strands behind her ear as she spoke up.
"Not at all." Atsumi denied, "I miss my bed, though. And my clothes. I wore the most exquisite silks, you know?" After Atsumi spoke she began coughing again, making (Y/n)'s eyes water.
"You miss your possessions but not your relatives?" (Y/n) asked with an amused tone.

"My relatives are all egotistical. They're just all stuck up and arrogant." Atsumi told her as she rolled her eyes.
"Sounds like someone I know." (Y/n) hummed, making Atsumi gasp with offence, slightly sitting up to look at the girl with wide, defensive eyes.
"Hey! I am the epitome of humble!" Atsumi exclaimed, making (Y/n) giggle.
"Of course you are." (Y/n) replied, watching as Atsumi pretended that her eyes weren't getting heavier by the second. Her aura was fading and (Y/n) always knew what that meant.

"(Y/n)." The Gojo girl whispered, "Do you think we'll be luckier in our next lives?" (Y/n)'s lips trembled at her question, her eyes burning due to how hard it was to hold back her tears. It hurt so much.
"I think our suffering in this life will be repaid to us tenfold in eternal happiness in our next life." (Y/n) whispered back to the girl, making the girl smile weakly.
"You think so? We'll still be friends, right?" Atsumi asked, making (Y/n) scoff.

"Of course." (Y/n) answered immediately.
"And I'll still be the strongest?" Atsumi asked again, her eyes finding it hard to stay open. (Y/n) pursed her lips as she nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek.
"Always." (Y/n) replied, making Atsumi grin widely as her head began to fall back, staring up at the ceiling.

"I can't wait." The girl whispered as her eyes finally closed, her aura completely vanishing. (Y/n) choked on her sob as Atsumi's lips fell, her smile now a numb line. Without her colourful aura, her body looked so cold- so monotone. (Y/n)'s lips trembled as she inhaled staggeredly, pulling her best friend closer to her chest as she said,

"Me neither."

(A.N ~ A lot of you might not remember this, but at the beginning of this book, Uraume told (Y/n) that she was too powerful to be effected by her technique, and (Y/n) replied "My closest friend once said the same thing.")

Chapter 90 Quote Teaser:

"Move forward and you'll lose your ability to lust. Move to the left and you'll lose your ambition. Move to the right and you'll lose your ability to feel pleasure. Which do you chose?"

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