Lilies ~ Ch37

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

For some reason, the next morning I woke up incredibly early. The sun had barely started rising, the sky a beautiful pastel pink colour. I did attempt to roll over and continue sleeping but I was just too awake for my eyes to even consider staying closed longer than a second. For a while, I considered starting my duties early. But instead, I decided that I wanted to go out into the gardens and explore within the bounds of the barrier.

After getting dressed in my new uniform, I left the temple and made my way outside. It was slightly chilly outside but I forced myself to ignore it, stepping down the stairs and walking over towards the gardens. I walked down the path with a content smile, staring at all the greenery. The only part of Sukuna's outdoor land that I've been to was the farming section. I knew there were herbs and shrubbery among his land too, but I didn't get the chance to see it until now.

I walked among down the pathway, through the greenery lesiurely, my fingers grazing across a few leaves. Then my eyes laid upon a small path of flowers, lilies in full bloom. I gasped as I rushed to them, these being the first flowers I'd seen here so far. I didn't even think the Lord would grow flowers among his land. He didn't seem like the type that would be a fan of nature. Kneeling down beside the lilies, I smiled, reaching out to cradle one within my palm.

When Yumi was alive, we made a habit of braiding flowers into our hair every time we came across a patch of flowers. Our village's soil wasn't too rich in minerals, so usually those flowers were daisies. If she saw these lilies, she'd probably combust on the spot. With a nostalgic smile, I began picking a few lilies. I'm sure Sukuna wouldn't mind. Sitting down on the grass, I began braiding the flowers into my hair, doing it same way Yumi and I used to do it.

It took half an hour for my braid to feel complete, a few lilies entwined with my locks and blending seemlessly, as if my hair were blooming flowers. I was elated with the result, incredibly proud of myself. I think Yumi would be proud too. When I was done, I stood up, realising that the sun was up now and I could probably start my duties for today. So after dusting myself off, I made my way back inside and headed to the South Wing.

After doing a quick clean of the scroll room, I gathered my supplies into my arms and carried them into the halls to begin today's translations. I sat down and hummed as I translated the scrolls, now in an incredible mood.
"Why do you look like a walking forest?" A voice asked suddenly, making me look up with a smile, recognising the Lord's voice without a second doubt.
"Good morning, my Lord." I smiled, bowing my head slightly with respect as Sukuna approached me.

Sukuna did not reply, his eyes locked on my flowery braid. He bent down to my height and took my braid in his hands, his thumb brushing over the lilies with confusion, staring deeply at them.
"You've...never styled your hair like this before." Sukuna noted, making me smile. I wonder if that meant he liked it.
"It's an old tradition, my Lord." I admitted.
"A tradition for what?" He then asked me, his eyes flickering up to mine.

"It's just something silly that a friend and I used to do when we saw a patch of flowers." I chuckled, slightly embarrassed at how childish it was.
"And why have you not done this until today? You've been working for me for a while now, no?" Sukuna asked, his brow raised as he let go of my braid.
"I just hadn't seen the patch of flowers in your gardens until this morning." I admitted, "There weren't many of them, so I didn't take too much. But they are incredibly beautiful, my Lord."

"I see." Sukuna muttered in thought as he stood up. "What an odd little thing you are." Sukuna sighed as he began walking down the hall, making me speak up quickly as I remembered something I'd been wanting to ask.
"Actually, my Lord!" I called out, making him turn his head around to look at me with a raised brow.

"I'd like to ask for permission to leave the temple this afternoon." I told him, biting my lip nervously.
"Oh?" Sukuna said, suddenly amused as he completly turned his body around to look over at me. "For what reason?" He asked.
"I' to visit a friend." I told him truthfully. But his eyes squinted at me, as if he knew I was missing a key detail.
"Is this the same friend who you braid silly flowers into your hair with?" Sukuna asked, guessing correctly.

"Yes, my Lord." I confirmed, watching as he narrowed his eyes at me, trying to tell if I am lying or not. But eventually, he gave in and sighed loudly.
"Fine, I'll allow it." He agreed as he looked through the window shutter beside him, "You are to be back before sunset. I refuse to save you from a cursed spirit again." At this new piece of information, I was baffled.

"A cursed spirit?" I asked him, wondering what he meant by that. When did he save me from a cursed spirit? I do not remember such an event happening. Without answering me, Sukuna snapped his fingers and warped away within a gust of red flames, escaping me and my questions. I pursed my lips before sighing with disappointment.

I guess that was a question for another day then.

(A.N ~ I hope you enjoyed!)

Chapter 38 Quote Teaser :

"I want you to put flowers in golden vases throughout the entirety of the temple- in all four wings. Hire new staff and ensure that they pick new flowers everyday. If I see a single dead flower, they'll be fired and then killed. Do you understand me?"

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