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''I'll ask you again, what was your plan?'' The brown eyes that once held such light in them were dulled and murky looking. eyes that'd once stared up at him with so much adoration and warmth had never looked as cold as they did now. 

And they were looking at him.  They were boring into him. searching his own eyes with questions to which he could not offer any competent answer. He shouldn't have been so selfish. So foolish. 

He shouldn't have let himself for her this hard.

Finding her gaze too intense, he finally broke eye contact and looked shamefully down at her shoes. 

''I don't know.'' he finally murmured. she replied with a snap and a sharp his through her teeth. 

''Don't give me that.'' her hands were trembling at her sides. her eyes grew watery as both frustration and confusion settled on her features. 

Damn it all to hell, he hated when she cried. He hated the way her face twisted in pain and her full lips would tremble. 

He hated himself for being the reason for her tears. It seemed the only thing he was good at was hurting her lately.

He did this to her. He'd taken this seed, nourished it, watered it. and neglected it. and now it was wilting right before his very eyes. with the roots rotting and leaves cracking and curling back inwards on itself.

His bloody hands were never meant to help things grow. 

He was the reason she was here. Trapped like the birds in the cage that she had set out to separate herself from.

And it was all his fault. 

And truth be told, he had never had a solid plan. He'd just hung on to the hope that was forged from Ymir's last conversation to him. He didn't expect to get this far. 

''Bertholdt.''  She called out to him again. Even more desperation in her eyes this time as her hands moved with her question in a pleading motion. pleading for him to come up with any excuse, even if it was a lie. 

''What were you thinking ?''

In Favor of The Dreamers |Bertholdt HooverWhere stories live. Discover now