Part 3 The Infirmary

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Childe laid in the bed and wait for Zhongli to come over. Zhongli moved closer with slow, steady steps. He placed his pole against the wall then moved over to Childe's side, inspecting his wounds again. "Yes, hmm..."He bent over with his long hair falling around his face, his fingers still gently probing at Childe's body. "I think I'll do this manually."He looked up at Childe with worry in his eyes. "Don't move." a sigh was heard from Zhongli. "ok?" Childe asked looking confused as to what Zhongli was doing.

Zhongli walked over to Childe. "You will feel a bit of pain but I promise your wounds will heal." Zhongli looked down at Childe with his expression shifting to one of sadness and regret. "My apologies for this."His hands hovered over Childe, his fingers beginning to press against the tissue in his body in an attempt to heal the wounds. "What do you mean-" Childe's eyes went wide as he screamed in pain. "OW! A-AHH! What the Fuck!?"

Zhongli looked down "Ssssh... the pain will pass." He whispered, his hands still hovering close to Childe's body. "But I must get rid of the damage inside your body." He closed his eyes tightly, concentrating as he pressed once more against Childe's body. He made no motion to remove his hands as he continued to press against the damaged tissue. "OW-! Son of A Bitch!" Childe screamed.

"Try to be quiet." Zhongli whispered. He continued to press against the wound, his eyes closed tighter. "I'm almost done..." After another few seconds, he finally pulled his hands back with a sigh as he moved away. "It's done... I've healed the wounds." He didn't seem too winded or fatigued by the usage of his power. He watched closely for Childe's eyes to open. "That hurt... a lot." Childe whined.

Zhongli stared at Childe before speaking "Yes, unfortunately, it is not without pain." He was still kneeling next to the bed, watching Childe anxiously. "Are you alright? Do you feel like anything is off?"He put a finger on Childe's throat and gently pressed it against his pulse. "How do you feel?"Zhongli's face was stern and serious, his expression filled with worry. "Are you feeling faint?"

Childe sighed"I'm fine..." he said trying to compose himself. "Are you sure?"Zhongli said his finger was still pressed against the pulse point in Childe's neck. "Mmm..." He studied Childe's face for a moment longer and then stood up with a slight nod. "Very well then." He picked his pole back up and moved to set it against the wall again, his hands folded in front of him. "Do you need any help getting up?"

There was a slight pause before a "No" was heard from Childe with a slight sigh."Are you sure?" Zhongli's voice was soft and gentle, though he still kept his normal, serious expression as he spoke. "You may still be tired after our battle, but you may be too stubborn to admit it." He watched Childe with a concerned expression. "I can carry you, if that would be easier for you."Childe looked down with a slight blush "Stop asking to carry me... It makes me feel like a little kid."

A sigh was heard from Zhongli. "Would you prefer I hold onto your arm instead to help support your weight?" He looked at Childe with a neutral expression, no hint of humor anywhere on his face. "I do not want to see you get hurt because you refused my help. You were pushed to the limits of your body, I would not be surprised if you collapsed right now."

(I'm so tired right now but I'm happy I'm able to actually upload my story again, so I hope you enjoyed part 3. I'm working on part 4 now)

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