1. Kind (masked) man on the street

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- June 4th, Friday, Los Angeles -

"Ugh, for fuck's sake!"

Pulling her heavy black suitcase from the elevator after leaving her cheating boyfriend, Jia rummaged through her purse in search of her persistent ringing phone. Her head pounded from a hangover and, adding that she just caught a blonde woman giving her boyfriend a blowjob, it was too much to handle this early in the morning and she didn't want to deal with anything or anyone!

Jia huffed and pushed her messy blonde hair away from her face, to look presentable (as much as possible) as her mother was calling over a video call. She reluctantly pushed the big sunglasses up on her head, revealing her tired face (because her mom always scolded her for talking to her with sunglasses on).

"Hello, mom!" Jia answered the video call, pushing a shaky smile to cover up the dreadful tiredness and annoyance she felt.

"Oh, Jia!" her mother answered, her face close to the phone.

"Mom, back away, I can barely see you," Jia suppressed a giggle as her mother wasn't the best when dealing with technology.

Mrs. Kim listened and leaned back on the sofa, pulling the phone away. She smiled big and waved at her daughter over the camera. Jia waved back and her smile grew as seeing her mother's chubby cheeks always made her smile big.

"Jia, I'm calling to see if you're coming to Jin-ae's wedding. You didn't forget, did you?" her mother frowned slightly but Jia shook her head.

"Nope, didn't forget. I have a flight in two hours," Jia explained and her mother nodded.

"And is Josh coming with you?" Mrs. Kim asked and Jia sighed, disgusting scenes flashing in her mind.

Jia shook her head, "Nope, I just dumped him."

Mrs. Kim gasped, "What happened?"

"The bastard cheated," Jia frowned, "He used the opportunity when I was at a party to bring over another woman."

Mrs. Kim shook her head, clicking her tongue, "I told you he was no good," she started her lecture, "Moving in with him after only knowing him for a week?? That's absurd!"

"I know, Mom, but at that moment I thought it would be better than living with Nari in the small apartment. There's barely any room for her!" Jia leaned on the wall by the elevator, sighing tiredly. "Whatever. Me and Josh are done! I'll grab a cab and go straight to the airport."

"Okay, your father will come and pick you up," Mrs. Kim explained, "Also, put those sunglasses back on your face - you're a mess!"

Jia rolled her eyes, "Thanks for the compliment, Mom, really appreciate it."

Jia leaned away from the wall and grabbed the suitcase handle, rolling the big bag toward the building entrance. She pushed the heavy door open with her hip, careful not to drop the green pothos plant that was on the top of the suitcase. Her mother continued talking about her cousin's wedding while Jia struggled to hold the phone, push the door, and slide the bag all at once.

She stepped out on the sidewalk but the door closing mechanism got her suitcase stuck. She pulled and pulled, and her mother talked and talked. Gathering all her strength, Jia yanked the suitcase but to no avail - it only sent her flying backward.

Jia expected to drop on her butt but instead, her back hit something... or someone. She was safe but her phone and the green house plant weren't - they met the hard concrete sidewalk.

"Ah, shit!" Jia shouted, coming to see that her phone screen cracked and the device was surely dead as it didn't turn on after numerous attempts of her pressing the power button. "Oh, great!" Jia stood up and kicked the still-stuck suitcase.

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