4. At the airport

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After the meetings and briefings Jia went to on Sunday and Monday, she learned about her job and who she'd be working for. Manager Do Sooyun gathered all the newcomers to explain and walk them through everything. She handed the new employees the schedule, along with the rules and their job descriptions. Jia didn't get the job that she applied for.

Well, she got to be around the current makeup artists but she won't be a stylist herself - she will basically do all "odd jobs" that would be required - assisting the hair and makeup stylists, running errands, and doing all those low, entry-level jobs. She was bummed at first but then realized that she should be grateful that she even got a job, any job, in this economy.

And the artist she would be working for was a successful male K-pop group of eight - Stray Kids.

The group needed to head to their US tour and they were short-staffed, that's what manager Do told the newcomers, and they needed all help for their overseas "MANIAC" tour. Jia listened carefully, along with the rest of the new employees, nodding her head and following every manager's word as she talked about the eight boys and their tour. She heard of the group's name before but didn't exactly know who they were.

So when she returned home, the first thing she did was search "Stray Kids" on Google. And her jaw dropped at the very first group photo she saw. More surprised gasps came when she dug deeper, learning about their success. And yes, she recognized Han.

His full name was Han Jisung - the rapper, the producer, the lyricist, the "ace" of SKZ - and no matter how much she thought that her mind was playing tricks on her, it was really him - that guy who helped her with a heavy suitcase, the Han in a black suit at the wedding, the Han in comfy clothes at JYPE... it was all him!

"Holy shit... he's an idol!" Jia gripped her hair but returned to search more about him and the group, getting immersed in their music, MVs, interviews, etc., cramming all about them for the whole day and night.


- June 15th (after midnight), Tuesday, Seoul -

"You really should've slept instead of staring at your computer the whole night..." Mrs. Kim clicked her tongue, correcting Jia's jacket on her shoulders.

"I know, Mom... but I had to get to know my employer and by everything I saw..." Jia paused and yawned, pulling her suitcase to the sidewalk where the taxi waited, "... they seem like a bunch of nice guys - funny, talented, chaotic," she giggled and her father helped the taxi driver put the heavy suitcase in the car's trunk.

"This job is going to be tough but you can do it," Mr. Kim added and Jia gently smiled.

"Thanks, Dad," she replied.

The parents exchanged hugs with their daughter and saw her off.

"Call us when you arrive," Mr. Kim said and Jia nodded, closing the back door of the taxi that would take her to the Incheon International Airport.


It was already 1 AM when Jia plopped down on the chair in the waiting area of the airport. She checked all her luggage, ticket, and passport. To kill time before the take-off, Jia opened the TikTok app on her shattered phone and watched some videos. But then some voices broke the silence of the terminal and Jia turned to see a bunch of people swarming in. Despite being tired and extremely sleepy, Jia could still recognize manager Do walking along with some other staff she had previously seen at the job interview.

Jia immediately stood up to greet her "seniors" and manager Do praised her for coming in early. It was scheduled that the staff boards the earlier flight to the US and arrive at their hotel before the group.

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