3. Job interview

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- June 7th, Monday, Seoul -

Jia woke up rather late. Staying at the wedding until 1 AM, drinking, dancing, and singing tired her off, and with her parents being out of the house, Jia had enough time to rest. She got out of bed, took a shower, and went down to make herself something to eat after which she planned to take some painkillers as her head continued pounding from last night's alcohol mix. Jia had a feeling that she hadn't even fully recovered from her jetlag and her friend's party back in the US - her whole body ached.

After a simple hangover breakfast, Jia returned to her room and took her small laptop, putting on some random drama to watch as she ate chips. The drama wasn't even interesting so she closed it and opened her emails to check if there was something new. And there were tons of unopened messages but one that caught her eye made her spring up from the bed and throw the computer from her lap.

"What the fuck?!" Jia shouted, starting to feel the cold sweat building up on her back. 

Her heart started racing and she carefully approached the laptop as if it was a ticking bomb. She peeled off the facemask she was wearing and sat back on the bed, sliding the laptop toward her. She read the sender again and, with shaky hands, clicked on the unopened email.

What appeared on the screen was a long message and her heart started racing, her lips getting dry.

"No way... NO WAY!" Jia shouted and then laughed the further she read the email. "Oh, my god!!!" she squealed but then got serious again, scanning the email, "Wait... this could be a scam..."

Then she searched online for the name of the person who signed the email and it was indeed a real person, working for the company that sent her the email. Her heart didn't calm down.

"No freaking way!!!" Jia shouted again and jumped from the bed, now dancing happily.

She heard the door getting opened and rushed out of the room, meeting her mother in the entrance hallway.

"Mom! Guess what!!!" Jia giggled, dancing around.

"Jia, calm down," her mother frowned, carrying the full bags of groceries inside, "Are you still in your pajamas? It's already noon!"

"Yes, I am! But that's not important now!" Jia couldn't hide her excitement. She took the bags from her mother, put them in the kitchen, and rushed back to deliver the good news. Grabbing her mother's hands, Jia smiled widely, "Mom... they're calling me in for a job interview! I got an email!! They really want me!"

"Who?! Who is calling you!?"

Jia smiled wider, taking a deep breath and gulping down to wetten her throat.

"Miss Do Sooyun," she grinned, "The head staff manager at JYPE."


- June 11th, Friday, Seoul -

The day of Jia's interview rolled by fast. From the moment she read that email, Jia couldn't hide her excitement. Monday was when her hype was at its peak but as the days went by, some worry/nervousness/anxiety was added to that excitement. She couldn't decide what to wear so she listened to her mother and dressed formally - black pencil skirt, white dress shirt, and black blazer - with her blonde hair pulled up in a tight ponytail and minimal makeup on her face.

She still couldn't believe it.

Jia passed a course for a makeup artist long ago. She had that certificate so she, purely out on a whim, sent her CV along with her diploma (and some pics of her "work") to JYPE (and other idol companies) in search of a job. She sent that email roughly at the beginning of the year, forgetting about it weeks after she didn't get any replies from any of the companies she reached out to.

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