6. Official start of the tour

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- June 16th, Wednesday, New York City -

Jia's alarm went off at 6 AM and just when she got ready, putting her phone and wallet in her purse, a knock on her door startled her. She opened to see black-haired Sua, her hair put up in a ponytail, her glossy lips holding a toast sandwich. She took a big bite of it and raised her brow at Jia. Two girls were both dressed comfortably - sweatpants and a wide t-shirt - wearing minimal makeup, their face masks under their chins.

"You ready for your first day at the new job?" Sua asked, rummaging through her bag.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jia nodded and stepped into the hallway, turning to lock her hotel room door.

"Good. Here," Sua offered Jia a wrapped club sandwich and they started walking towards the elevator. "You still haven't met Stray Kids members but they're rather fun to work with," Sua giggled but then cleared her throat, getting serious.

She talked as Jia ate her breakfast sandwich. "Though, they're pro idols and they require discipline and hard work when it's go time," they stopped and Sua pushed the down button on the elevator. She turned to Jia whose cheeks were full of bread, lettuce, and ham.

"And last but very important," she paused, raising her finger, "I think Manager Do told you that at the meeting but it doesn't hurt to repeat it - Stray Kids are successful and handsome young men. Keep your relationship with them strictly work-related and professional," Sua stopped to eye Jia a bit before continuing, "You're cute so they might tease you and often times flirt with you. But it's you who needs to keep it together so just smile and nod, don't fall for their games, okay?"

And Jia nodded. Yes, she knew Han to some extent but she definitely wanted to keep their relationship professional and with it keep her job. Yes, Han was handsome just like the rest of his bandmates but Jia needed this job, not an idol boyfriend!

The elevator came and two girls boarded it. Sua filled Jia in on some details and habits of Stray Kids members, throwing in a few more warnings as they rode the elevator to the ground floor.


Sua and Jia parted ways at the hotel exit. Sua went with Harin and some other staff girls to the concert venue to prepare everything there while Jia had to come into another van, with some older staff ladies for them to go and pick up clothes from the dry cleaner.

She befriended them fast, these women were very kind, some of them showing Jia pics of their young children so a lot of "awww"s filled the space of a white van.

When the van stopped, Jia hopped out together with Gina, a 34-year-old Korean-Italian woman who just a few minutes ago showed her a funny video of her 1-year-old boy who was getting excited every time he saw Felix on the TV screen.

"Thank you for applying for this job," Gina commented as they entered the store. "We're seriously understaffed because this job is hard and many quit soon and now that the boys are touring, we need all hands on deck," she said, her English having traces of both Korean and Italian accents.

"I was in great need of a job so I won't quit easily as I really need the money," Jia replied, stopping with tall Gina behind another customer.

"That's good to hear. You seem tough even though you're so small," Gina giggled and Jia pumped her fist on which both women laughed.

They soon reached the counter and the workers brought the clothes to them. Jia's hands soon became full of clothing as there were many different sets of clothes for eight men. Gina thanked the workers and helped Jia carry everything back to the van. They stored the clothes carefully so as not to wrinkle anything and the van took off towards the concert venue.

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