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I was unsure whether I should go out or not, I hadn't been out to a club for an extremely long time, much to Daniel's dismay. I mean it's not that I didn't enjoy clubbing, I loved the atmosphere, the dancing, the music, it's just that these past couple of months I've been focusing on different things.

"Oh come on Maeve you're dressed for the occasion you may as well go!" Lando says.

The grid was split in half with who was going where, half the grid was going to the club, which was mostly made up of the younger drivers like Charles, George, Lando, and Max. The others decided to hit the hay, however, there was one outlier in those going out and that was Fernando Alonso. Who would have thought this dude was such a party animal?

"Maeve you've promised me so many times that you'll come out with me, now is the time" Daniel added

They all began to crowd me, it seemed they all wanted me to go. I contemplated for a little longer, partly to stress the boys on a bit more but also cause I was still a little unsure. I mean my first race was in a week and I needed to be prepared, but what could a little night out do to that?

"Okay fine fine I'll go, but you guys are shouting me a few drinks" I finally reply

The boys smiled wildly, it was obvious that they felt accomplished in their persuading skills and happy that I was coming.

We quickly bid goodbye to the drivers who weren't coming with us, wishing them well until I saw them next.


We all jumped into the cars that we had arrived in and began to head to the club that was around 10 minutes away.

"I feel weird having a driver, next time we should drive ourselves. We're too white trash for this shit" I whisper to Daniel who was sitting next to me.

He nods his head agreeing.

"They like you, you know," Danny said, referring to all the boys.

"Yeah? Are you sure they're not just trying to be nice"

"No, I can tell that they like you, plus I would tell you the truth if they didn't. Lando told me that he finds you funny"

Lando Norris finds me funny?

I look down trying to hide the big smile that had formed.

"Oi no need to hide that giant smile of yours Fucker"

We pulled up to the club, it was a massive line, and we were going to be waiting for a while. The driver drops us off at the front, I hop out and begin to walk to the back of the line.

My attention is quickly grabbed by Danny who whistled from behind me, I turn around to see him and Max, who had arrived just before us, standing at the entrance. The security guard was letting them straight in. I keep forgetting that these guys are famous.

As I walk back up to where the boys were waiting for me I hear a few hushed whispers from people waiting in line. A few seconds later several people in line began to shout out to the boys, it seemed they had all finally figured out who they were and were trying to get their attention.

I might of been hearing things but I swear I heard my name being yelled out. Do people know who I am? Or do I just look like arm candy for the boys?

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