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The Vast ocean seemed bigger in the hell of the storm.

The crew were running about, trying to make sure they dont sink to the bottom, or as some swavvy pirates would say, to Davey Jones Locker.

Now this isnt your average normal crew of average sailors...


If your looking for that, your in the wrong place.

Their Captain, Britain, was shouting orders to his mighty, somewhat idiot crew.

The many countryhumans ran around like looneys.
Russia and Germany housting the sails,
India, America and Canada making sure everyone does as told,
And everyone else doing random as fuck things.

Now that isnt very helpful, is it?

Spain sat by the side of the boat, checking the sides were still sturdy.

The boat rocked brutally ,knocking him off completly in to the ocean.

No one noticed as he was launched towards Davey Jones Locker, Spain managed to stay afloat, the waves begged to differ either way.

"Wait! HELP!"

His words were drowned out by the noise of the storm and the waves trying to eat him up whole.

Everything went dark.


He awoke in a rock sea cove, full of pretty shells and treasures, little sea creatures swimming around the little coves waters.

Spain managed to stand, although he had hit his leg pretty hard on the rocks, for it bled slighlty.

He looked around hopeful, he saw nothing but sand and rocks.


He shouted.

He had no return.
He tried not to lose hope.

"My ship mates will come back, right?"

He asked himself.

He climbed up out of the water onto glistening rocks, they dazzled in the light of the Purple Moon.

Spain looked up towards the Moon.

He had never seen a moon like this before.

He looked at his surroundings one more time, before realizing where he was.

"Im on Siren cove..."

He muttered, his eyes darting everywhere.

He had heard many a tales about Sirens.

That any that cross them, be a dead man.

That they lured sailors to their deaths with their beatifully sung voices.

He looked towards the vast ocean, no boat in sight.

A Sailors Tale // countryhumans // spain X phillipinesWhere stories live. Discover now