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Spain sat alone on the cove, staring at the glistening rocks as the Moon shone Purple again, he juat decided to think thats what happens at siren cove.

Phillipines arouse from the water, out of breath, she quickly began speaking:

"SPAIN! Youve gotta get outta here! The sirens are on the hunt!"

Spain used the cruchets to help him stand and he looked Phillipines in the eye.

"Well... how am i gonna get outta here to Herla Harbour?"

He asked her desperatly.

They both quietened down, trapped in thought.

"I could give you a ride-?"
Phillipines asked nervously.

Spain became confused.

"What do you mean?"

He asked her.

She chuckled nervously before saying:

"Um...a ride on"

Spain seemed to have gotten a bit nervous as well after she said that, he blinked.

"Wouldnt that be...well...weird?"

He asked, using the cruchets to help him sit on the edge of the rocks.
Phillipines looked up at him and tried to smile.

"I can get you to Herla Harbour faster than anything, and if we were to go, we would have to go now!"

She said slightly rushed.

"So hop on!"

Phillipines continued, turning do he could get on her back, Spain, carefully but Nervously,sat on her back, as she began to swim over the ocean, with immense speed.


They soon both arrived at Herla Harbour, where there was many boats docked up, including Spains shipmates and Captain, who all seemed to be fine but worried.

Spain looked at Phillipines.

"Will i ever see you again?"

He asked her.

"I dont know, but i hope i do"

She replied.

They both waved goodbye and Phillipines swam off, to reunite with the other Sirens before they left on the hunt.

Spain watched her swim away, his smile faded, he was gonna miss her.

Spain walked over to his shipmates, the firat one to notice him was Chile, who ran over to him.

"SPAIN! we thought you died! And your leg!"

Chile said, hugging spain.

Eventually , the other mateys began to come over, and all began welcoming and hugging spain.

"Where ya been?"

A Sailors Tale // countryhumans // spain X phillipinesWhere stories live. Discover now