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Phillipines dived lower and lower, soon she reached an area full of coral.

It looked like a kingdom of Posiden, or just your classic little mermaid Castle.

She swam through what looked like an entrance, inside it sat China, Peru and Japan, all just chit chatting about the hunt they would soon go on.

"You late back sweet pea"
China said, looking towards phillipines with a curious but flat expression.

Phillipines chuckled nervously.

Peru swam over too her and smiled.

"Dont worry, France hasnt started the hunt for boats yet"

Peru said ,patting phillipines on the back.

"I thought you were too young to hunt Peru?"

Phillipines questioned and Peru shook their head.

"Im only here to collect some of their stuff of the boats"

Phillipines nodded as Peru spoke.

They both swam over to china and Japan, who was looking at her tail.

When they managed to be next to them, china sniffed Phillipines.

"You smell wierd!"

She exclaimed as Japan sniffed phillipines as well.

"You do!"

Japan added on, looking at china and peru and then phillipines.
Phillipines just looked at them, confused but nervous.

Peru then sniffed her the slightest bit before adding on:

"Ye! You smell like humans!"

"Your not going to the local towns again are you?"
China asked suspicously

Phillipines shook her head.

China didnt seem to think she was speaking the truth

"You smell like a boy-"
China then said, before staring into phillipines soul.

Phillipines backed away, feeling slightly intimidated by china.

China went closer to her and sniffed again.

"A spanish one too..."

"You can spell Nationalitys-?"
Japan questioned China, who just nodded and shrugged.

Phillipines laughed nervously.

"I wasnt talking to no sailor- i mean human-"

China raised an eyebrow.

"We never mentioned talking to them..."

Phillipines knew she had fucked up bad by trying to lie to them.

A Sailors Tale // countryhumans // spain X phillipinesWhere stories live. Discover now