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Phillipines watched Spain get knocked over board and then dragged to the depths.


She dived in after him, swimming down and down after the siren that had taken him, Peru watched her swim as fast as she could.

Phillipines dived lower and lower, as Spain struggled to brake free, he was losing air fast. Phillipines swam faster , she saw that it was France that had taken him over board.

"France! Please dont!"

Phillipines shouted to her, France ignored her and continued to swim lower. Spain bit France, causimg her to let go of him, as fast as he possible go, he tried to swim to Phillipines, who had managed to get to him. She grabbed him and began swimming for the surface, France tailing right behind them.

Phillipines had nearly made it until France grabbed her tail, ragging her down, She let go of Spain.

Spain tried to swim to the top, for he was nearly there, Peru came and assisted him, he managed to get some air, as Phillipines was dragged lower and lower.

"Phillipines! You know that its in our blood to kill these filthy monsters that pillage the ocean of its treasures!"

France scollded Phillipines, who managed to brake free from her grasp.

"Well... Maybe its not in my nature!"

Phillipines tried to swim back to the surface, but France grabbed her shoulders and ragged her downwards.

France shouted, ragging her down and down.

"Its not nosence if i love him!"
Phillipines shouted.

France stopped in her tracks.
"You love him?"
She asked, Circling Phillipines now.

Phillipines kept her eyes on her at all times, and nodded.

France chuckled slightly, a malicous,evil chuckle.

"Sirens cant love humans..."

Frances voice was dark as she darted for the surface, knocking China out of the way.

France dived out of the water, as she dived back in, she ringed Spain around the neck, diving under with him.

Phillipines saw this and immediatly dived after her, Peru and china behind Phillipines following just incase Phil needed help.

France dived and swam deeper and faster than before, Spain struggled for air as he reached his hands out trying to grab Phillipines, but she was too far away.

"I cant go any deeper!"
Peru said to china as phillipines continued, running out of breath.

Eventually France got out of sight.

Phillipines was out of breath.

She couldnt go anymore.

She began to cry slightly, China swam down behind her and patted her on the back.

"Dont give up.."
China said to her, seeing her sorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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A Sailors Tale // countryhumans // spain X phillipinesWhere stories live. Discover now