Chapter 3 The Return

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It had been a rough 2 weeks for class 1-A, with 3 of them even dropping out. Class had finally ended as they walked back towards their dorm, after witnessing their classmate, friend, and crush be murdered it took a toll on them, some of them not sleeping or eating for days, and some of them training to the point they had to be forced to stopped, everyone took Midoriya's death hard, Katsuki Bakougo, Ochako Uraraka, Shoto Todoroki, And Tenya Iida taking it the hardest, each of them has had Izuku their at their lowest and he helped them get back up, but they couldn't do the same for him, as they made their way inside the dorm they were met by with a notably younger Mirio, the other members of the Big 3, Aizawa, and little Eri, the poor girl, after that day she had stopped eating, sleeping, and smiling all together, she has had more nightmares, and blamed herself saying that she was a curse, and despite the efforts of Mirio, and Class 1-A the girl never had the bright demeanor she has had before.

"Hey Eri, how are your doing?" Asked Uraraka as she knelt to look at the girl as Eri looked away before mumbling "I'm alright, I guess... I just miss him" Eri said sadly as she sniffles, Uraraka and the others looked at the young girl sadly, they knew how much she looked up at Izuku, not as a brother, but as a father it was heartbreaking seeing her like this. Uraraka pulled Eri into a hug as the girl cried into her shoulder "I know Eri, I miss him too... We all miss him" Uraraka whispered into Eris ear as she rubbed the young girls back.

Not long after All Might arrived at the dorm room along with Tsukauchi, Nezu and surprisingly Inko Midoriya and the wild wild pussy cats along with young Kota, speaking of Kota he was on the same boat with Eri, not smiling, sleeping, or eating after what had happened to his hero.

"So All Might, you want to explain why we are all here?" Nezu asks as he looks up to the skeletal figure, "What? Didn't you send me an email to tell everyone to meet up here?" Toshinori asked confused as Aizawa, and some students slide into fighting positions "Wait... if you didnt call us here then who did?" Asked Aizawa as voice emanates from the corner of a room "It was me, I was the one who called you all here" as a figure walks out from the corner wearing a black duster with red linings, underneath the duster was a kevlar vest with forest camo, he also had jeans with armor kneepads and combat boots, and finally on his head was a hood and a gasmask which obscured his face.

"Who are you?" Katsuki asked with a scowl as him and the others moved into a fighting formation with heavy hitters at the front, supports behind them, and defend type quirks protecting the civilians, "Wait, I know that patch your apart of Freedom's Duty" Tsukauchi said as he saw the patch stitched at the middle of the kevlar vest "Freedom's Duty?" Asked Inko as she looked towards the man "Indeed, I am Detective, and please I mean you all no harm" The man said calmly as he raised his hands.

"Then what are you doing here Mr?" Nezu asked as he pushed a button before multiple turrets fell down from the ceiling surprising the students, heroes, civilians and the man "Hm, these new, or have they always been there?" Muttered the man as he looked at the turrets "Ah of course where are my manners, I am who you call The Marked One" he said as Nezu looked at Tsukauchi with a piece of paper that read out TRUE, "Then not only are you a member, but the leader, tell me why have you come here?" Aizawa asked as he readied his scarf to subdue him.

"The reason is I am here because of them" He said as everyone tensed as he pointed at Eri, Kota, and Inko "Wha-What do you want with us?" Asked Kota as he stood infront of Eri, the man chuckled at the sight "Hm, quite admirable young Kota, but you need not fear I wont do anything to harm you... I am here because of a request made by someone you all know" The man said as he pulled back his hood to reveal fluffy green hair and blonde tips.

"N-No way" Was everyones immediate thought as they saw his hair, the man then pulled off his mask to show a young man with green freckles on both of his cheeks that are shaped of a triangle, with a small smile as his brown eyes as he looked at them...


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