16.The Hogwarts express and Hogwarts

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As they closed their eyes, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement for the adventures, friendships, and magical experiences that awaited them at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The next day was sure to be the start of an incredible adventure in the wizarding world.

The day of her departure to Hogwarts had finally arrived, and Lyra was filled with excitement as she and her family made their way to King's Cross Station. They had left their home fairly early in the morning, ensuring that they had plenty of time to reach Platform 9 3/4.

As they entered the bustling train station, Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The station was filled with travelers and muggles going about their day, but they all seemed oblivious to the magical world that existed right before their eyes.

With her parents and her animal companions in tow, Lyra walked toward the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10. It was the gateway to the hidden world of wizardry, and she couldn't wait to make her way to the Hogwarts Express.

Lyra, Dudley, and their family gathered near the barrier, and with a deep breath, she ran towards it. She passed through the barrier, disappearing from view as she entered Platform 9 3/4. It was a magical experience, and she couldn't help but smile at the sensation of passing from one world to another.

When she arrived on Platform 9 3/4, it was still fairly early in the morning. The station was relatively empty, with only a few other early arrivals. Among them were the Diggory family, the Dursleys, the Malfoys, the Zabinis, the Parkinsons, and the Greengrass family.

Lyra's heart swelled with excitement as she spotted her fellow students and their families. She knew that she was about to embark on a journey that would lead to incredible adventures, lifelong friendships, and the magical education of her dreams.

Lyra, filled with excitement and a sense of camaraderie, made her way over to the Malfoys and the Greengrass family, who were engaged in conversation with each other. As she approached them, her friends and their parents greeted her warmly.

"Hello, Draco," she said to her friend from Diagon Alley, "I'm glad to see you again. It's nice to meet your parents."

Draco Malfoy's parents, Lucius and Narcissa, exchanged polite greetings with Lyra and her family. They were aware of the significance of the day and the start of their children's Hogwarts journey.

Turning to the Greengrass family, she greeted Daphne and her parents with a friendly smile. "Hi, Daphne. I'm looking forward to our time at Hogwarts. It's great to meet your parents as well."

Daphne Greengrass, her new friend from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, introduced her parents to Lyra, and they engaged in a friendly conversation about their children's upcoming experiences at the school.

The station was beginning to fill with more students and their families, and the atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation. Lyra felt a strong sense of belonging as she stood among her friends and their parents, ready to board the Hogwarts Express and begin her magical education.

With the Malfoys, the Greengrass family, and her own family by her side, Lyra knew that she was not alone on this incredible journey into the wizarding world. The friendships she had formed and the support of her loved ones would be her constant companions as she embarked on her adventure at Hogwarts.

With the station buzzing with activity and the Hogwarts Express gleaming on the platform, it was time for the young witches and wizards to board the train. Lyra, Draco, Daphne, and the other students from various wizarding families made their way to the train's compartments, where they would begin their journey to Hogwarts.

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