Chapter 3: Noodle Tears

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((I've changed my mind about schedules. No more schedules))


Vox walked into his home, it was rather quiet at first. He guessed Val forced the staff out, so Vox can have it fully quiet with no interruptions or agitating questions. "Baby I'm home." Vox yelled out, hearing his voice echo through the halls. He wished his mind were quiet enough to hear echos. After a few moments, he heard scurrying feet and wings fluttering against the still air. It was obviously Valentino, who must have taken off his robe to let his wings spread out a bit. Vox always found the 10-foot tall demon's wings rather adorable.

Val ran up to his partner, immediately ranting. "Oh my Lucifer, Vox, you won't believe what happened. People had the audacity to call me about business when they know I'm 'sick'". He could Val was dying to tell him, but about what disturbed his peace. He looked as if he got more sleep, which was a good sign.

"Val-" Vox sighed, Val paused. It seemed he remembered something, running off to the kitchen. Vox followed and watched as Val put leftover pai thai noodles for the smaller demon in the microwave. Vox went and sat on the kitchen counter. Soon enough, the noodles were done and Val handed Vox the noodles. He wasn't very hungry, so pushed the noodles away. Besides, when he distressed, he can't get his mouth to open in a way things can be put through his screen. If he's not in the mood, it won't work.

Val tried to feed Vox himself, only for the utensil to tap against the glass screen. He paused and just sat the food down. He just started chatting about his day. Vox wasn't paying attention, caught up in his head. Lucifer's words rolled through his head, repeating over and over. An endless cycle of stabs, bringing him to holding back tears. Val, like usual, was unaware. Absorbed in whatever he was saying. Val's words started to muffle and seemed incoherent, no matter how hard he tried to listen. TV static played in his invisible ears, growing louder and louder. His vision started to glitch and blur from the tears threatening to spill.

"I swear those damn staff are a waste of my time. I couldn't care less about what they want." Val stated, the only clear to hear statement in his whole rant. That made Vox snap, tears spilling down his face. Unable to wipe as it was simply shown upon his screen. At first, Val just kept going. He finally went silent at Vox's glitched sobs. It was so difficult to hear, the TV static taking over his ears.

Vox felt warmth wrap around him. Vox clung to Valentino, who was holding Jim gently as Vox cried. Vox barely ever cried. Lucifer's words had dug deep into his head. He wished his tears could have held until he got to his room. The tears soon became real, safe for electronics, isopropyl alcohol. He always felt bad Val had to feel the stingy burn sensation of the medical grade liquid, but if his tears weren't just on his screen and were full of emotion, it was the substance that came out.

Vox could barely hear Val hush him. He felt Valentino's hand caress his back gently in a soothing way in hope to calm the TV demon. The static in his head would lessen, allowing him to hear Val calmly shooshing him, "Shh, shh don't cry Voxy. You're safe with me.". Valentino's hand calmed him down enough that he was barely crying, now only a display on his screen. "Good. Now what happened?" Val praised, asking the shorter demon why he was crying.

Vox wiped the remaining tears, speaking, "Lucifer said some hurtful stuff... He said you didn't care about me and that you are using me. He said nobody could love or care about me.". Val clenched his hands, growling, "That asshole, hurting MY Voxy.". Vox didn't have the energy to care about Valentino being possessive. He was too broken inside to care. Val held Vox tightly until Vox had enough with the sappy, childish shit. He pushed Val away, and Val smiled, happy to see Vox better. Val handed Vox the noodles as he returned to talking. The noodles were precisely what Vox needed to completely forget about Lucifer and focused on his boyfriend ranting about his staff being assholes and bothering him.

Every so often, Valentino can be a wonderful boyfriend. Sometimes the two can get along better than anybody else.

Addicted to The Light~ [Vox x Valentino]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora