Chapter 22

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Ya'll I know this story is getting long I promise it's getting there.

White Lily Cookies POV

I walked back to the vanilla kingdom alone. Seemed like a bad idea, but who did I have to come with me? Besides, if I do get caught, I can find a way to escape.

However, it didn't help that I was walking through a forest. When most of the missing cookies had gone into a forest. ("The last time I saw her, Pumpkin Pie Cookie went adventuring into a forest!" "Onion Cookie had tried to hide from ghosts in the forest, poor kid," "Gingerbrave said that the last cookie who saw Carrot Cookie saw her run into the forest." The last two were Pure Vanilla Cookie helping figure things out, which only made things worse.)

As soon as I stepped into the portal and was in the vanilla kingdom, I felt instantly safer, as if stepping into a basement during a tornado.

I ran to the castle. I'm determined to get Pure Vanilla Cookie back, no matter the cost.

While there were a few cookies in each part of the kingdom, alot had gone missing from the vanilla kingdom. It made the place feel like a ghost town, which was not a good feeling.

As soon as I got to the library, I grabbed a book. I came here for two reasons, reading often calms me, and I need to do some more research on the fangless vampire. I went through until I found a copy not in braille, and then sat down to read it. I found a book about vampires in general, but I knew it had to have something about Strawberry Jam Cookie. I flipped through the pages until I got to her.

Strawberry Jam Cookie is a snake vampire (see : Vampire sub-species). She is exceptionally great at spotting prey, compared to other snake vampires. Unlike any other vampire, she was baked without fangs. This isn't a problem for her though, because it gives her a reason to hurt cookies. The names of her parents are unknown, but she has one sister (see : Strawberry Cream Cookie). In her snake form, she is exceptionally fast. She still does not have fangs in this form. Some cookies believe she has brown sugar magic, but most believe otherwise, as vampires have not had it in generations. Many believe they have never had it.

I shivered at the thought of Strawberry Jam Cookie having brown sugar magic. The only thing that can counter it is more brown sugar magic. Thankfully, brown sugar magic is mostly genetic, so there is a very low chance she has it.

All of a sudden, I heard a very slow knocking. Three hits, against the library window. As soon as I heard the voice, I froze.

SJ : Open up, White Lily Cookie.

Bonus because I have a hidden talent of making things that are supposed to be scary funny.

WL : Well, it all started when I was younger,

SJ : That isn't what I meant!

WL : 'Calmly murders Strawberry Jam Cookie (if only that were cannon to this story)'

Word Count : 521

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