Chapter 23

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Strawberry Jam Cookies POV

I didn't hear a response from her. That made me angry, so I opened the door. As soon as I did, she grabbed her staff beside her, and raised it, prepared to fight me. I tightened my grip on my knife.

SJ : Not gonna let me kill you so easily, huh?

I didn't wait for an answer. I lunged at her, ready to attack. She dodged, but I managed to leave a cut on her face. She used her staff to create a vine that wrapped around my arm. I grabbed my knife with my other hand, and cut the vines off of my arm. I then lunged at her again, letting my anger fuel me.

She grabbed my arm, and threw me to the ground. I quickly got up, and threw the knife at her, hoping it would impale her.

I saw her dodge as I stood up, but the knife did hit her arm. She hit me with her staff, knocking me back down.

I kicked one of her legs, which made her fall into one of the book shelves, giving me enough time to quickly stand up. I ran to get my knife, then ran back to try to stab her.

But before I got close enough, I heard a voice outside.

Guard :  White Lily Cookie? What is going on in there?

SJ, muttering : Crap, I have to go.

I mean, the guard definitely has backup. With all the cookies I had kidnapped from here, including their king.

SJ : You got lucky this time, cookie, but next time, I swear, I. Will. Kill. You.

With that I jumped out of one of the library windows, grabbing on of the cracks, and slowly made my way down.

As soon as I reached the bottom, I changed into my snake form, and slithered off back to my lair. I need to get my anger out.

Word Count : 320.

A/N : For the next part I'm gonna change how characters talk a little bit. You'll see what I mean.

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