Chapter 04: Invitation

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[⚠️Slight gore | Leafy pov]

It was 5:57 PM. I tied my hair up and decided to get ready. I paused because I don't know why I did. I looked around for something to tell me about it. A text message appeared on my phone.

     It said: "you have 10 minutes left please hurry" another one appeared: "3 minutes leafy omfg-" That person shouldn't be mad at me when their grammar sucks ass. I scrolled up to figure out what this was about. Apparently there's a special little outing and all of the contestants are invited! (Even Ex-Contestants) That sounds fun! So I continued in the process.

    I shoved my bangs out the way as I swiped the light pink lipstick on my lips. It tasted like cherry. I love cherries! I applied the hot pink blusher while thinking about what I'd do for the evening. I imagine myself dancing in a long light pink dress with little green flowers on it. The person I was dancing with, I don't remember. Maybe it was Firey...or Pin.

    Speaking of Pin, a message from her that said: "Heyy are you doing okay?" appeared. I sighed and scrolled through more messages "Pin when she takes a 7 hour nap and then takes 50 hours to get ready for one silly event" I don't remember sending that. A new message was shown "open the door im gonna help you out" I didn't feel like opening any doors right now. I want to look as nice as possible and do my makeup without interruption.

    Now where was I? Okay eyeliner. I did that very carefully, it felt like it was going to get into my eyes. I hate how wet eyeliner is; I had to fan it. The mascara was wet too, which I tolerated slightly more. I drew two flowers on my cheek with a green outliner. I'm pretty okay at art. I forgot eyeshadow; who needs it anyway. I'm pretty much done with makeup which means it's time for the dress. It was surprisingly similar to the one I thought of in my head. I slipped it on; it was very compact. I don't really like how tight it was. The shoes I had prepared were a very shiny cream colour. I quickly shuffled them on and ran out of the hotel room I was renting; not before I got my small green clutch bag.

    I ran all the way downstairs as someone was yelling my name. I was stunned at my ability to run in heels without tripping. However, the moment I opened the main door I immediately fell on my stomach. A person picked me up from behind. I turned my head around to see that it was Needle. When she carefully landed me I managed to get a glimpse at what she was wearing. She was in a traditional gothic outfit. She doesn't usually do that though. It kind of suits her. I'm not here for Needle though. I'm here for Pin, who was sitting next to Coiny on the sidewalk. Both of them were also in very gothic clothes.

    I skipped over to them, sat in between them, and waited for a response. Well not exactly in between them but close enough for them to comment on it. "Hold on, we're doing something." Pin said. "Oh! Leafy!" she went in for a hug. It felt slightly uncomfortable yet warm. I haven't been genuinely hugged by somebody in a long time. Though Pin wasn't someone I expected to get a hug from. Something tapped on the back of my shoulder. Not something but someone.

     Firey. "You look so nice, Leafster." He said. I felt a burning hatred in my chest. "Thanks..." I replied with bitterness in my voice. I felt another hug from a different person much tighter than Pin's. I'm unsure if this was supposed to be a distraction from my anger or Firey.

     A familiar voice said, "So, who are we missing?" My heart dropped. I felt like leaving. I don't want to be here. "Well, Donut was getting BarfBag from— and they're back." They walked outside the hotel holding hands. Donut in front of BarfBag, who was walking very slowly. It also appeared she was stumbling.

    Other people start moving as well. I was picked by both of my arms to be dragged away. Pin mouthed something I couldn't hear. I'm not good enough at lip reading to understand what she's saying. She seemed concerned for some reason. I gave her a nod in response. She seems unsure of me.

    I feel unsure of myself.

    Walking a long distance felt tiring, but I couldn't stop myself from doing it. I almost tripped on my dress again. Where are we going? Oh there's a car. Glad I don't have to walk anymore! I still can't really tell what people are saying; by the way they were moving it was probably about me. Once again I got dragged, this time into a car.

    I finally got a bit of control over my body so I looked over to the window I was sitting next to. There aren't many buildings or stuff to look at. I guess it's better to go to sleep in the car; so I did. Wait or is it a van? Yeah it's a van. My eyes started dropping until I heard something crack. I saw it as well. Something breaking the head off something. I checked to see if anyone else saw it. They were too busy talking to each other, well Team8s that is. We were also here with another team. The more I thought about it the more claustrophobic I felt. It appears the other team was talking as well. I started to see more buildings. Why didn't we just do this at the hotel?

    The van stopped. Did we arrive or? Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I thought it was Pin; I turned around to see it was Saw. She shocked me so much that my breath shook as I spoke. "I'm so sorry for scaring you!" She said in a panic. "Yeah..." I replied. She helped me out of the van and held my hand. It felt even more awkward than the hug. as I was walking inside the building I felt some get caught on my shoe. It was small and lit up bright green. It was probably nothing.

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