Chapter 4.5

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[No one's pov]

A few knocking sounds were heard on a certain door. "Hey Book, we brought you dinner!" A certain high pitched voice said. No answer. "I'm also returning the book I borrowed." A different voice said. Two more knocks on the door. "Wow this is so lame." A third person added. They went into a bag they were holding and pulled out a key. The other two were shocked. "How did you get that?" One of them asked, but was ignored. The person, who was apparently a key thief, opened the door with said key.

The three people who were just outside the room entered it, thanks to Pillow. (The other two are Naily and Bomby.) The room was silent. "She's asleep." Bomby said. "We should probably just leave her alone until—" "I'm gonna turn her into a cat!" Naily screamed in excitement. Bomby shushed her, Pillow just stared. Bomby decided to tell her  "Okay, you can draw on her face-" Naily almost became louder "-If you stay quiet and don't wake her up." He placed a plate that he was holding on a table that was in there.

Naily nodded and whispered "Yippie!". She almost went to turn the light on but then thought about how bright the lights in the hotel were and turned back around. She turned on a flashlight to get a black whiteboard marker and went up to Book's bed. When she uncovered the sheets from Book's face, tears were rolling down it. She flinched on every other breath and shivered even though she had two blankets covering her and another one clutched in her hands. Her face was flushed and sweaty and the hair was messed up.

Bomby sat on the other side of Book and said: "I think we should stay here for some time, just to make sure she's okay."

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