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"......Wakey Wakey"

I slowly turn my head and look at the owner of the voice with the most flabbergasted and disgusted look one could muster, "what....the fuck."

"Oh good you're awake, Chris called a meeting and I was sent to come retrieve you" Felix says all sunshine-like.

"I- bro what the hell are you on? Am I on something? Y'know what it doesn't matter; why do y'all want me in the meeting? Aren't I like just a guest?" I question, sitting up and fully awakening.

"I think that might be what this meeting is about" He answers, incredibly clear that he is genuinely clueless.

I get up and follow him out of my room and into the living room. Everything is quiet, the air is a bit thick and the vibes I'm getting seem grave. We turn right towards that other hallway and all the way to the end of the left side.

The door is slightly cracked and I hear the faint sound of a serious conversation happening. Ceasing when Felix opens the door.

"I have retrieved our highness" Felix announces, taking a seat in between Changbin and Hyunjin.

I send him a confused look before sitting at the only open seat next to Minho.

Taking a quick glance around I can tell whatever was happening before I got here or whatever is going to happen is an important topic. All of their faces portray such seriousness and anger in some. Hm?

"Okay, let's start small and work our way up" Chris starts, catching my attention as he is seated beside me at the head of the conference table.

He continues, "We all know that Y/N here came from one of the groups we've been trying to take down since our vigilante days started. Do you all think, and Y/N this includes you, that she should be integrated into our group until we find her family and she is stable enough and safe enough to leave?"

Oh, oh wow.

"I think she should, the girly pop snuck Minho out through the walls and wasn't caught until someone saw his cell empty." Felix says, making a face as if he was actually saying 'no shit Sherlock.'

"I agree, even if she doesn't go out into the field with us there's still plenty she could do behind the scenes." Hyunjin buts in, leaning forward on the table.

I follow each person talking with my eyes. They've either really done research on my abilities or I blabbered about what I did while high on pain meds.

"What do you think Y/N? Would that be something you're comfortable with?" Minho asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

He's such a mystery that Minho. Not mean but not nice, not hyper but not calm. It's really intriguing.

"Um, yeah why not! I have no problem helping out, especially since I'm using your stuff and living here rent free" I reply, shrugging my shoulders since the decision is obvious.

"Perfect, that's one thing out of the way. We can wait for another day for you to be filled in on how we do things alright?" Chris says, smiling a little now that one topic has gone okay.

I nod in agreement and await the other discussion topics.

"So, we now know we have someone who has been on the inside in both buildings. This brings me to our next topic. Should we attempt to infiltrate again once Y/N tells us what she remembers?" Chris asks the group cautiously, silently telling me this is a touchy subject.

"I.. don't know actually. We've tried twice already. The first time Minho was taken and the second they just evacuated to a building we don't have the location of" Changbin answers, a nerve clearly having been struck.

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