This Is It

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"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yell, blindly throwing a pillow at the voice disturbing me.

"Oh- well damn alright guess someone doesn't want to go get your parents" Jisung says sassily, throwing the pillow back at me.

At those words I spring up and out of bed, sprinting into my bathroom where I've laid everything out.

"We leave in 30!" Jisung yells after me, laughing a smidge.



"I'm ready! Are you ready? Cause BOY AM I PREPAREDDD" I exclaim giddily, jumping around in the living room while Changbin and Chan load the car.

"Sweetheart calm down, you're gonna work yourself up and puke if you keep jumping" Minho says, giggling at my excitement.

I cease my jumping and settle for shaking my hands. This is both excitement and anxiety soooo I'll probably be like a toddler today.

"Alright, cars loaded and everyone has been fed. One last potty break before we go!" Chan says, doing his little check list and taking a head count.

A couple of the boys run to use the bathroom while the rest of us pile into the van. Changbin is driving, Chan is in the front seat, Minho and I are in the very back with Jisung, Hyunjin and Seungmin are in front of us, then Felix and Jeongin are in front of them.

"Onwards Sir Changbin, the plan to retrieve the Bangs must commence!" I say in my best knight voice, making the other laugh a little.

"Yes ma'am! Plan commencing in 3, 2, 1!" He responds, pulling out of our driveway and proceeding down the road.

The airport isn't that far from where we live, maybe like 30 minutes.

Although that isn't a long time, I still decide to doze a bit. I didn't get much sleep last night because I was worried about sleeping in and missing our flight. In hindsight I know the boys wouldn't let that happen but it was still a big worry nonetheless.

I let my eyes fall shut, taking in the rare silence of the car with all of us in here. Something about being the passenger in a car with someone you trust driving is just so nap inducing. It's like I'm being rocked in a rocking chair and sprinkled with pixie dust or something. An enchanting experience for sure.

As I doze further I feel my head begin to lull to my right. Too tired to pick it back up I let gravity do it's thing.

An arm wraps around me, placing my head on their shoulder. The hand placed gently on my waist indicated that Minho is holding me. That familiar hand shape and arm size. Even more of a reason to fall asleep.

"Hey Min, can I ask you something?" Jisung whispers so low I know only us three can hear it.

"Mhm" Minho replies inquisitively.

"Um, are you and Y/N like...a thing? You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable! I've just never seen you so..touchy and lovey like that unless it's me. But that's a brotherly type thing" He asks, sounding nervous to inquire on our relationship status.

"It's okay Ji, uh I'd consider us a thing. I've taken her on plenty of dates so by the definition yes we are dating. We just haven't had the conversation stating whether we're exclusive or not. I'd really like that but it's up to her really" Minho answers, pure love and adoration in his voice.


Okay I can sleep peacefully now, that was so cute!


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