Lore and Laughter

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"So hold on, the people you were assigned are trying to work against Jay and partner with us and you walked towards and right next to the higher ups, one of which was Jay himself?" Chan clarifies, dumbfounded at our unexpected news.

"Yes" Hyunjin and I respond in unison.

"Well okay then. Felix find out as much as you can about them; maybe even when they'll meet outside of their base again so we can meet them there. Jisung move their files, we're holding off on reporting them until we prove this information false" Chan instructs, the mentioned boys getting up to do their tasks immediately.

"As for me, I have a solo mission. Don't stay up too late, and for the love of this household eat something other than brownies and hot cheetos" He continues, pretending to throw a tantrum with that last comment.

We all laugh at him and nod, sending him out the door with 'I love you's' and 'take care's.' The mood in the room now lighter than when we got home.

"Hey Y/N" Seungmin whispers to me, "do you want to come down in the infirmary with me?"

"Sure" I whisper back, following him as we sneak out of the conversing group at the front door.


"Why are we down here? I thought solo missions didn't need anyone here waiting" I ask, sipping on the juice box Seungmin gave me.

"Usually I wouldn't, but sometimes it gives me peace of mind to wait and know he's okay, or whoever is out on a solo" He answers, handing me a little Debbie Christmas tree.

I open it and shove half of it in my mouth, choking slightly, "I get it."

He looks at me shocked before laughing and doing the same thing. We both go silent, looking at each other's stuffed mouths.

And then we snap, breaking out in a laughter so full we almost actually choke on our snack.

*A box of little Debbie's, a family sized bag of potato chips, and a can each of *fav soda* later*

We're laying on two beds we pushed together, making shadow puppets as Seungmin had turned the lights off to scare me after I used the bathroom.

Somehow we managed to make a person using our hands and feet combined. It took forever to figure out!

"I understand why Minho likes you so much" Seungmin says, our limbs dropping with a dramatic thud.

"Why?" I ask, clueless as always apparently.

"You're the complete opposite of him in so many ways, but the same in ways that make you mesh well together. Like, he shows love by being playfully mean and he doesn't really show his emotions a lot. And you show love by using kind uplifting words or gestures and you wear your emotions on your shoulder. If you don't say anything your face definitely will. And together you bring out the soft emotional side of him and he brings out the chaotic teasing side of you. It's honestly so heartwarming to watch, we haven't seen him this happy like ever" He elaborates, really getting into it.

"Wow, I didn't know he wasn't always this happy. Or any of you for that matter. Happiness just looks good on you guys, I can't imagine anything else.." I respond, heart struck by his kind words.

"Ah, yeah, we've all had it rough..." He says, trailing off and leaving us in a comfortable silence.

"I grew up with parents that were never satisfied no matter how good I did at something. 99% on a test? Fail, why couldn't I just get 100? Contributed 8 points in a game? Fail, I should've worked harder." He starts, his arms hanging in the air while he stares off at the ceiling.

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